002: It went horribly right

317 11 2

|Alysanne Valentine|

2 years later

"Let me get this straight, you are taking me to the meeting?" Raising my eyebrow suspielousty at him.

Izaak had an unimpressed expression on his face, "Yes."

"Is that even allowed?" The question is highly approprlate considering who we are dealing with.

"I requested permission for you to attend, although the matters of being my nece will not be brought up." He informed.

This wasn't something you could spring onto these people, it is unheard of therefore the question lingered of why my uncle required my presence.

"There's something you're not telling me."

"For now I prefer not to divulge the details but when we arrive, then you will know the reason I needed you."

I sighed, you couldn't get answers out of him unless he wanted to tell you, "Fine, when do we leave?"

"You'll see." He said while I stepped out of his room.

Jaevry swooped to my side, "Where to, mon amour?"

"To a tea party."

He chuckled, "That's cute. So where to?"

"You're not coming, so move." Motioning him to move because I better pack my bags.

Jaevry keeps on teasing me; hoping to extract a bit of information to where me and Izaak will go, "Some day you'll go far— and I really hope you stay there."

"If I threw a stick, you'd leave, right?"

"Wha—" I didn't wait for him to continue before I closed the door at his face.


One of the most strenuous aspects for this meeting is always flying to different countries. This meeting takes place every month, sometimes twice if things are becoming too heated but almost always do they take place in different countries. It's another security measure to ensure the targets on their backs don't intercept their place of business, although I highly doubt anyone would fuck with them.

Once the private jet landed in Dubai, instantly a limo is situated outside to escort us to the hotel. Our place of residence is one of the continental hotels, indeed highly popular with its glass exterior and architectural curve. A vast amount of tourists are frequently turned down when wanting to book a room, simply because it wasn't for them. Continental hotels are scattered all over the globe and they are specifically catered the globe and they are specifically catered to people of the underworld. Luckily for us, this one is somewhat secluded being on the ocean, which peeks tourist's interest. The limo finally stopped at the entrance, once crossing the bridge to the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. Certainly a mouthful if you couldn't speak the language.

Izaak and I exited the limo, the cold breeze licking my skin but it wasn't unpleasant. Inside is packed with people from all around the world; this is a typical night in any of the continental hotels. The familiar receptionist dressed in a woman's formal shirt had decadent black hair pulled into a sleek ponytail, Minimal makeup graced her tan skin as we got closer, a rehearsed smile forming on her lips. Couldn't blame her.

"Welcome Mr. Pierce, will you be staying the night?"


Which only meant that this meeting will run longer than I anticipated.

She nodded at the answer and typed vigorously onto the computer. Certainly some details as she returned her gaze to Izaak. He slid two gold coins across the marble counter as the payment, she then proceeded to hand him two cards that where the keys to our rooms.

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