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**a/n: it is 1am, I am tired. I edited as much as I could. But I do use SHE in chris pov sections, because of the confusion he is experiencing.

Chris McLean has never been interested in the whole 'lgbt' thing. He's never had an interest in the meaning behind the letters, or even cared if a person was gay or not. It wasn't his interest; it wasn't his problem. That is- until he overheard a conversation between (Y/N) and Levi, the newest intern. Levi, the only openly gay intern on the island, had immediately captured (Y/N)'s attention. They quickly became friends, and (Y/N)'s attention shifted a good bit from Chris to Levi.


Chris was walking towards his living quarters on the set, they had just finished recording the next episode of Total Drama Action. The contestants were exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep after the day of recording. As he was approaching the staff quarters, he could hear Levi and (Y/N) talking outside the intern quarters. He knew it was wrong to listen to his friend's conversation, while he was a total asshole on screen, he wasn't a total asshole to his friends- usually. Chef was an exception- okay most people were but (Y/N) was different...at least, his incredibly large crush on (Y/N) made it a different situation.

"Ah've nevur rilly felt safe enough tuh tell anyone." (Y/N) said. Chris listened to the quiet drawl of his friend. He couldn't help the small smile playing on his lips as (Y/N) spoke. The southern accent was thick and sometimes, it made words really hard to understand- for some people. Not for him, after so many years, you get used to it- besides, he thought it was cute. The small, quiet voice with such a thick and heavy accent. He stayed hidden behind the building, waiting to hear what was going on.

"I'm glad you felt safe enough to tell me. Is it because I am completely open about my sexuality?" He asked. Chris instantly began to wonder if (Y/N) was gay too- which would explain the comment of not being 'safe' enough to tell anyone.

"It iz, ah've always wanted tuh tell Chris ahm nyan-binary...but ah don't thank hay would accept may anymore. Hay's may best friend, an thuh fursd person ah evur had no...alternative...interest in since lahk 6th grade. And ah just don't rilly wonna ruin thet, ya'know?" Chris chanced it and peeked around the corner, noticing Levi give a short nod.

"Well, I can understand. Chris doesn't seem like the most...allied person. But, you never know. He hasn't made any comments to me, and he did hire me." (Y/N) nodded slowly.

"Das true.." Though they agreed, Chris noticed the hesitation in their voice.


Chris was now back in his room, currently searching for the definition of Nyan.


"Nyan binary? Would...that make (Y/N)...a cat? Or think that she is a cat?" Chris voiced his question to himself, curious as to why (Y/N) would feel that way. Regardless, the idea of making (Y/N), his best friend and incredibly large crush, feel unsafe around him- at least in the...lgbt situation, made him upset with himself. So, he got to planning.

Chris, after spending several hours planning how to make (Y/N) feel comfortable, rushed to Chef the next morning, plan still fresh in his mind. He had already started ordering a bunch of supplies for what he read online to be a 'coming out party'. Chef was currently cooking the contestants their breakfast when Chris nearly broke down the door.

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