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The encounter that would forever be etched in their memories.


Jiwoo cautiously approached the guy sitting alone at the bar, his attention fixed on the amber patterns in his whiskey. Her voice, soft and gentle, reached his ear like a subtle whisper in the night.

"Hey," he turned to face her, and his rugged charm seemed to amplify, revealing a striking handsomeness that had initially caught her eye when she saw him from the back.

"Well, hello there," he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. Jiwoo couldn't help but return the smile, her cheeks dimpling as she embarked on her daring mission.

"My friends dared me to get your number," she admitted, her tone playfully conspiratorial, "and if I fail, I'll be downing shots of vodka all night, and trust me, vodka and I don't get along very well," she added with a chuckle, mischief dancing in her eyes.

His laughter was a pleasant melody that resonated with the bar's atmosphere. Jiwoo found herself captivated by the sound, momentarily lost in how enchanting he looked.

As Jiwoo continued to study him, she marveled at his appearance. His dark hair fell just above his neck, parted gracefully with soft, wavy bangs that framed his face.

His accessories, a subtle lip piercing and silver earrings in his pierced ears, added an intriguing edge to his sweet demeanor. 'This guy knows how to choose a hairstyle that suits him,' she thought, her admiration growing.

She found herself admiring the details of his face, captivated by their innocent harmony. His button nose fit perfectly on his face, giving him an endearing quality that made her heart flutter. His round, doe-like eyes, complemented by double eyelids, added a touch of cuteness to his overall demeanor.

"Sure, I'll write it down for you," he offered, breaking her reverie. Jiwoo beamed with delight, her heart doing a little dance within her chest. She watched his lips as he spoke, a subtle curiosity taking hold.

His upper lip, slightly thinner than the lower one, added a touch of innocence to his otherwise striking features, creating a charming contrast that drew her in. Despite his tattoos and piercings, he exuded a sweet and approachable vibe, making him a captivating blend of contrasts—exactly Jiwoo's type.

"So, may I know your name?" The guy asked Jiwoo, his voice a gentle caress that seemed to melt the distance between them. Jiwoo's cheeks flushed a rosy hue as their eyes met, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and her heart fluttered with anticipation.

"I'm Kang Jiwoo. It's a pleasure to meet you," she replied, her words tinged with a hint of shyness. The man nodded, a warm smile gracing his lips as he finished jotting down his number on a tissue.

As he handed it to Jiwoo, their fingers brushed ever so softly, sending a subtle electric thrill coursing through both of them. A gentle blush painted their cheeks, like the delicate hue of a rose in bloom.

Their eyes met, and for a brief, suspended moment, time seemed to stand still, exactly like the romantic scenes Jiwoo had often watched in teenage movies.

His dark brown eyes held an irresistible charm, making it impossible for her to look away. They were caught in a silent exchange that spoke volumes, a connection forged in the quiet corners of the bustling bar.

The sudden cheer from Jiwoo's friends shattered the spell, their playful comments filling the air with laughter and excitement. "We ship, You guys are cute, Date already," they chanted, their mischief evident. Jiwoo couldn't help but shake her head at their antics as she turned to the raven-haired man.

"Sorry about them; they're crackheads," she confessed with a soft chuckle, "I'll go now." She winked playfully at him before gracefully sliding off the barstool. As she made her way back to her friends, who were already preparing to leave, Jiwoo couldn't resist stealing one last glance.

She looked back to find the guy still gazing at her, captivated by her presence. With a warm smile, Jiwoo waved farewell before picking up her coat and purse, heading towards the exit.

The encounter had left her with a fluttering heart and a newfound sense of excitement, a chance meeting that held the promise of something enchanting.


Jungkook remained perched on his barstool, his fingers gently tracing the rim of his whiskey glass as he slipped deeper into his thoughts. The ambient hum of the bar created a comforting cocoon around him, isolating him momentarily from the lively crowd. It was in this solitary reverie that an unexpected interruption wove its way into his consciousness.

A soft, melodious voice reached his ears, prompting him to turn his gaze toward its source. What he saw left him momentarily awestruck, although he managed to conceal his surprise. She was nothing short of a vision.

Long, raven-black tresses cascaded elegantly down her back, like a silken waterfall. Her face was a study in beauty, featuring delicate, rounded contours that held a captivating allure. Her nose, with its adorable, round shape, harmoniously complemented her face.

Jungkook's gaze was irresistibly drawn to her lips, full and plump, with both the upper and lower lip exuding a natural sensuality. But it was her eyes that held Jungkook in a magnetic thrall. Those cat-like orbs, a captivating shade of ocean blue, drew him in deeper with every passing moment.

She was adorned in a white dress that clung to her form, reaching just above her mid-thigh. The dress bore open shoulders, long sleeves, and a daring side slit, hugging her contours in such a way that it felt as though it had been tailored to her and her alone.

There was an undeniable allure about her, a magnetic pull that beckoned him closer. When she asked for his number, he found himself surprisingly willing to comply, his fingers moving almost instinctively.

His curiosity piqued, he asked her for her name, his gaze lifting to meet hers when he swiftly jotted down his number on a tissue. As their eyes locked, an electric charge surged through Jungkook's heart, a sensation both thrilling and irresistible.

Her eyes, with their hypnotic allure, seemed like a beautiful threat to Jungkook's heart, one he was more than willing to surrender to.

"Kang Jiwoo, it's as charming as she is," Jungkook thought, a delicate smile was placed on his lips. With the number now inscribed, he offered it to Jiwoo, their fingers delicately brushing against each other's, creating a surge of electric energy that raced through his veins. He met her gaze and, in that shared moment, they both knew they had felt the spark, an unspoken connection that tugged at their hearts.

As they continued to lock eyes, intrigue deepened with every passing second. Their silent exchange spoke volumes, revealing a growing fascination with the mysteries held within each other's gaze.

The enchanting spell, however, was abruptly broken by a sudden, uproarious cheer that pierced the air. It was Jiwoo's friends, playfully celebrating the budding connection between the two. Jiwoo simply shook her head at their antics, a small apologetic smile curving her lips as she turned back to Jungkook.

With graceful poise, she stepped away and gathered her belongings, casting a parting smile in his direction. Her smile was enchanting, a bewitching expression that momentarily stole Jungkook's breath away.

Even as she departed from the bustling club, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of her absence. She had brought a unique vibrancy to the place, and the club felt empty without her presence to Jungkook. He couldn't help but believe that their chance meeting would remain etched in his memory for a long time to come.

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