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Late night calls


Jiwoo carefully perused the script, her brow furrowing with every turn of the page. She took a sip of her water before offering her candid thoughts.

"Seriously, Kim? A date in the amusement park and a kiss on the Ferris wheel? Who wrote this script? I'll have a word with the writer; it's so cliche. Also, aren't they both famous? If we do this drama, people will literally throw tomatoes at us," she remarked with a raised eyebrow, casting a skeptical glance at Taehyung through her stylish glasses.

Taehyung, nervously but determined to persuade her, explained, "Well, the people loved it in the manhwa. Plus, they're wearing masks and only remove them in the Ferris wheel scene."

Jiwoo took a moment to ponder the situation. "Tae, this is so cliche, NO," she declared firmly, causing Taehyung to break into a cold sweat.

Desperate to secure her agreement, Taehyung offered, "I'll give you baby pictures and adorable snapshots of Jungkook. Please, whatever you want."

Jiwoo's eyes lit up at the mention of Jungkook. "Who's Jungkook?" Namjoon, who had been observing their conversation with curiosity, finally interjected.

Without missing a beat, Jiwoo made her decision with a playful smile. "It's a done deal, Kim Taehyung. I want those pictures by tomorrow," she said, extending her hand to seal the agreement.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief and slumped back on the couch, grateful that he had successfully convinced Jiwoo to take on the role.

Jiwoo continued to flip through the script, her occasional frowns expressing her skepticism about the scenes. As she delved deeper into the story, she couldn't help but inquire, "Who's the main lead?"

Taehyung, somewhat nervous but eager to persuade her, replied, "He's a really nice guy, incredibly good-looking, and you already know him. The audience will absolutely adore the two of you together."

Jiwoo raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "But I'll be kissing him in the movie. If I don't know who it is, how can I kiss him?" she questioned, her gaze locked on Taehyung with a bemused expression.

Reassuringly, Taehyung responded, "Don't worry, he's exceptionally good-looking, and all the previous female leads he's worked with have praised his kissing skills."

Jiwoo let out a resigned sigh. "The things I have to do to get Jungkook's pictures," she muttered under her breath. Taehyung, sitting right beside her, couldn't help but smirk. He was confident that Jiwoo would indeed take on the role, especially with the promise of those coveted Jungkook photos.


Jiwoo wrapped up her shoot and offered a polite bow to everyone in the studio before making her way out. She quickly changed out of the clothes she had been modeling, and they had indeed looked perfect on her, as she knew they would.

"Can I go home early today? I have nothing to do all day," Jiwoo asked her manager, flashing her manager those signature puppy-dog eyes of hers.

Her manager chuckled at Jiwoo's playful antics. "Sure, you can head home early. Just remember not to get yourself hurt, and please don't trip while you're skipping around like a monkey," the manager advised.

"Alright, alright, got it," Jiwoo replied with a grin, knowing her manager's caring nature all too well. She hopped off at her apartment, reflecting on how her manager often acted like an overprotective older sibling. "I can't believe she's my age; she acts like an oldie," Jiwoo remarked, shaking her head at her manager's well-meaning but sometimes nagging behavior.

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