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Crying and Comfort


Jiwoo stepped out of the studio with a heavy heart, the unresolved tension with Jin weighing on her. She didn't want to fight with him, but she couldn't understand why he hadn't been upfront with her about the reasons for their date. After all, he had claimed to be her best friend. Her thoughts were in turmoil as she walked away, deciding not to call her manager for a ride home.

She headed towards the convenience store near Jimin's house, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions. Jimin's residence was close by, but Jiwoo didn't want to enter his apartment at the moment. She needed some space to clear her thoughts. As she entered the store, she removed her mask and greeted the employee at the counter, thankful that they didn't recognize her.

Jiwoo decided that today would be her cheat day, choosing to indulge in whatever snacks she fancied. She had resolved to hit the gym later that night to burn off the extra calories. After paying for her selections, she found a table near the store, positioning herself with her back to the road to avoid unwanted attention.

Opening her favorite snack, a bun filled with chocolate, Jiwoo took a bite, savoring the flavor. However, as she chewed, tears welled up uncontrollably. She had tried to hold them back, but the emotions proved too overwhelming. For the next fifteen minutes, she silently wept, her face buried in her arms.

When Jiwoo finally looked up, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, she was startled to see someone staring at her through the convenience store window. "Jungkook?" she whispered in recognition, her voice barely audible.

Jungkook, who had been holding a rice ball, hurriedly returned it to the shelf and rushed towards the store's entrance. Concern etched across his face as he approached Jiwoo when he realized the girl who had been crying for the past 15 minutes on the table outside was her, her vulnerability exposed to him.

Jiwoo's heart raced with panic as Jungkook approached her. She hadn't anticipated this encounter, and her immediate instinct was to flee. She attempted to get up and make a hasty escape, but before she could, Jungkook gently grasped her hand, preventing her from running further.

Jiwoo reluctantly turned to face him, her teary blue eyes filled with embarrassment. She felt vulnerable, believing that crying alone outside a convenience store was far from an attractive sight.

Jungkook, however, was immediately concerned for her. "May I hug you? I mean, it helps," he offered gently.

Jiwoo was taken aback by his unexpected kindness but nodded in agreement. "Yeah," she replied softly.

Without hesitation, Jungkook pulled her into a warm and comforting embrace. Jiwoo felt her heart melt as she hugged him. There was something about resting her head against his muscular chest that brought her comfort and a sense of safety. She wanted to cry, and in Jungkook's embrace, she allowed herself to do just that.

Jungkook could feel Jiwoo's silent sobs, and he gently patted her hair, reassuring her that it was okay to let it out. She clung to him tightly, and he felt a sense of happiness that she trusted him enough to cry in front of him. Her quiet sobs gradually turned into sniffles, and looked up at Jungkook with an apologetic expression and he couldn't help but feel drawn to Jiwoo's captivating blue eyes every time he looked into them.

As he wiped away her remaining tears, Jungkook realized something important. He picked up Jiwoo's mask from the table and gently placed it on her face. Just as they both heard a clicking sound, Jiwoo panicked once again. Jungkook, thinking quickly, removed his grey hoodie and placed it on Jiwoo, covering her head with the hood. She became nearly unrecognizable.

"Thank you so much," Jiwoo whispered, her voice filled with relief. "I might've lost a few years of my life, along with Namjoon, my CEO, if I got into two dating scandals in less than a week."

Jungkook chuckled, glad that he could help her avoid any further complications. The two of them shared a moment of relief and laughter, their unexpected encounter leading to an unexpected connection.

Jungkook extended an invitation with a warm smile. "So, do you want to go to my place for a cup of coffee? You can tell me about your problem if you want to."

A smile blossomed on Jiwoo's face as she considered the offer. However, she couldn't resist a playful tease. "What if you're a serial killer and then you kidnap me and kill me?" she quipped, her tone filled with mock suspicion.

Jungkook's eyes widened in alarm, taking her comment seriously. "What? No, I'm not a serial killer," he quickly assured her, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

Jiwoo burst into laughter at Jungkook's fearful expression, leaving him baffled. "I was kidding, idiot," she chuckled, shaking her head. "I trust you. Besides, we have mutuals now."

Jungkook, still reeling from her playful banter, pouted in mild annoyance. "I thought you were going to leave," he grumbled.

In an impulsive moment, Jiwoo pinched his cheek playfully. "Wait, sorry," she said, her words tumbling out in explanation. "It was like a reflex; you looked cute, so..."

Jungkook nodded, his annoyance dissipating as he understood her intention. "It's okay," he responded with a grin. "I believe in physical touch supremacy."

Jiwoo chuckled and admitted, "Me too."

Without hesitation, Jungkook slipped his hand into hers, intertwining their fingers. Jiwoo fought to contain the wide smile that threatened to break free, while Jungkook couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"You look even tinier in my clothes," Jungkook observed, nodding at how his hoodie draped over Jiwoo, completely covering her previous outfit. "So cute," he added with an affectionate tone.

Jiwoo felt her cheeks flush with a warm blush. "Shut up," she replied playfully, using her free hand to hide her face in embarrassment.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she looked. Their lighthearted banter and newfound connection were turning a chance encounter into a delightful and unexpected adventure.

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