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Jiwoo and her arch enemy


Jiwoo woke up the next morning, her eyes flying open as she realized she had overslept. Panic surged through her as she glanced at her phone and saw a flurry of missed calls and messages from her manager, who was undoubtedly waiting for her. She cursed under her breath and jumped out of bed, not caring that her hair was a mess and her eyes still droopy with sleep.

As she scrambled out of bed, a whirlwind of thoughts swirled through her mind. "Who could the male lead be?" Jiwoo pondered aloud while hastily picking out her outfit for the day. "Lee Jaewook, Hwang Minhyun, or perhaps even Hwang Hyunjin?" Her imagination ran wild with excitement at the prospect of meeting her co-star, yet a hint of nervousness lingered beneath her enthusiasm.

Jiwoo chose her outfit with haste but still managed to look effortlessly chic. An oversized white cotton sweater hung loosely on her frame, tucked casually into her black, high-rise, wide-leg trousers. She completed the look with black and white Converse sneakers that added a touch of comfort and style to her ensemble.

With deft hands, she applied a minimal amount of nude makeup, wanting to look fresh and natural for the meeting, before tying her hair into a loose, high ponytail. Jiwoo couldn't help but admire her reflection in the mirror, simple and cool was what she liked the most.

Rushing through her morning routine, Jiwoo stuffed her phone and credit cards into her Celine, black leather sling bag with a long strap, which she slung over her shoulder. The bag was a convenient choice for her busy day ahead, allowing her to keep her essentials close.

She knew she had to hurry, and as her manager's call rang for the seventh time, Jiwoo's eyes widened in realization. Without further ado, she dashed out of her apartment, took the elevator with a mix of frustration and determination, and jumped into the waiting car where her manager gave her a pointed look. Jiwoo could only respond with a cheeky smile, knowing she had a lot to make up for.

Jiwoo's manager shook her head, clearly used to her antics. "You really need to work on your punctuality, Jiwoo. We're already running late, and Taehyung was quite specific about this meeting."

"I know, I know, I'll make it up to everyone," Jiwoo replied, her tone filled with determination as she settled into the car.

The drive to the meeting location was filled with Jiwoo's anxious thoughts about the upcoming drama. She couldn't help but wonder who the male lead would be. Her excitement and curiosity were growing by the second.

When they finally arrived at the studio, Jiwoo rushed inside, ready to face her new colleagues. As she walked in, she scanned the room, trying to identify the male lead among the actors present. Her eyes fell on a tall, handsome figure with a friendly smile.

"That must be him," Jiwoo whispered to herself, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She couldn't wait to introduce herself and start working on the drama. 


As Jiwoo entered the room, she found the cast already seated and waiting. Jiwoo gracefully introduced herself to the group, her eyes fixed on the man she had seen earlier, anticipating his introduction as the male lead. The room buzzed with a sense of curiosity and expectation.

Taehyung, checking his watch, broke the silence. "I believe the main lead is running a bit late due to an event he had to attend," he explained, trying to maintain an air of calm professionalism and Jiwoo furrowed her eyebrows.

Moments later, the door swung open, and Min Yoongi walked in with an apologetic expression. "I apologize for my tardiness; I had to wrap up a music video shoot before coming here," he explained, bowing slightly to show his regret. 

However, when Yoongi's gaze met Jiwoo's, their expressions mirrored a mixture of surprise and pure hate. They exchanged scoffs and sharp glances, making it clear that there was no love lost between them.

"WHAT IS HE/SHE DOING HERE?" Jiwoo and Yoongi exclaimed simultaneously, their voices filled with shock and irritation.

Jiwoo couldn't contain her reaction again and let out an audible scoff, mirroring the incredulous expression on Yoongi's face. In perfect synchronization, they turned their attention toward Taehyung, both demanding an explanation for this unexpected and rather unwelcome twist.

The room seemed to hang in tense anticipation as Taehyung chuckled awkwardly, fully aware that his life choices had just created a rather awkward and potentially volatile situation. 

"Well," he began hesitantly, "Surprise?" He offered his explanation with a nervous laugh, but the tension in the room remained palpable.

"Guys, just let it go already," Taehyung implored calmly, trying to defuse the mounting tension in the room. Jiwoo and Yoongi exchanged incredulous glances, the air thick with animosity.

Jiwoo, her voice dripping with sarcasm, couldn't resist a snappy comeback. "What? Do I look like Elsa to you?" she retorted in disbelief, drawing suppressed laughter from those present.

Yoongi, intent on explaining his side, began, "Jiwoo, it's not entirely my fault. You joined my live—"

However, before Yoongi could continue, Jiwoo cut him off, her irritation evident in her voice. "Hold on a second. You went live before I did and started badmouthing the product I was endorsing. You claimed to have used it because the model seemed trustworthy, only to backtrack and complain about skin rashes. I've been using that cream ever since, and my skin's flawless," she asserted confidently, locking eyes with Yoongi.

Yoongi, now on the defensive, fired back, "And let's not forget, you went live yourself and bluntly told everyone you only listened to my songs because you found me goodlooking, even though you thought they were trash."

Jiwoo, her smirk undiminished, responded cheekily, "Well, that's just the plain truth, isn't it?" She held her ground, her gaze fixed on Yoongi. 

Yoongi's frustration reached its peak as he retorted, "At least I don't lie about the products I endorse to trick people into buying them."

Before the argument could escalate further, Taehyung swiftly positioned himself between Jiwoo and Yoongi, ensuring there would be no hair-pulling or physical altercation.

"I'm leaving, and Taehyung, you can contact Namjoon," Jiwoo declared, her tone laced with determination as she shot one final scoff in Yoongi's direction. She turned to head towards the exit, fully intent on making her exit from the tense situation.

However, as she made her way toward the exit, someone's gentle hand lightly clasped her wrist. A charming voice spoke up, "Ms. Kang, please don't leave. You're absolutely perfect for the role."

Jiwoo turned to find the same guy standing in front of her who she in front of the building a while ago, and his smile melted away her resolve. Her expression softened, and Taehyung couldn't help but silently cheer within himself, thinking, 'This guy is definitely going to give viewers a second male lead syndrome.'

Yoongi, however, remained resolute. He coolly adjusted his shades and retorted, "I'm not staying here either. My manager will contact you about the termination."

Taehyung didn't waste any time, invoking his earlier threat with a stern reminder. "The contracts are signed, and if you guys try to terminate them prematurely, Jiwoo, you won't be getting those promised pictures. As for you, Yoongi, let's just say I'll tell everyone that you sleep in cat pajamas and with a cat plushie."

With that, Jiwoo and Yoongi reluctantly took their seats beside each other, giving Taehyung mean glares and he simply side eyed the duo.

Taehyung proceeded to explain the script to all the actors and staff, and both Yoongi and Jiwoo listened attentively. The latter couldn't help but steal glances at Yoongi, finding his cute, concentrated expression oddly endearing.

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