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Juicy Gossip


Amidst their playful pillow fight, Jiwoo suddenly paused, setting her pillow aside. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she decided to share her thrilling news.

"Okay, prepare yourselves, because I've got something exciting to spill," Jiwoo announced, her voice dripping with intrigue. Both Jin and Jimin ceased their antics and turned their attention to her, their curiosity evident.

"I'm sure you'll be surprised, but I'm officially dating Jungkook," she disclosed, watching their expressions shift from confusion to astonishment. Jimin let out an exaggerated gasp, while Jin raised an intrigued eyebrow.

"But that's not the end of it," Jiwoo teased, a smirk playing on her lips. "We've even shared a passionate kiss."

Their eyes widened with excitement, and grins spread across Jimin and Jin's faces.

"Now, you know what you have to do," Jin urged, his eagerness palpable, and Jimin nodded enthusiastically, both eager for every juicy detail of Jiwoo's newfound romance.

Jiwoo settled comfortably on the couch, ready to dish out the exciting details to her eager audience.

"So, it all started when Taehyung left," she began, recounting the romantic tale. "Jungkook confessed accidentally, like he just asked me to date him out of the blue. Poor guy wanted to ask me out in a proper way but ended up just asking me."

Jin grinned, clearly entertained by the story, but Jimin was not one to be distracted from the main event.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll get to that," Jimin interjected impatiently. "The juicy details about the kiss, spill it!"

Jiwoo couldn't help but laugh at Jimin's insistence. She playfully gasped and picked up a cushion, aiming it at him. With a smirk, Jimin dodged it skillfully, earning a chuckle from Jiwoo.

Jiwoo continued her narrative, her audience hanging onto her every word. "Anyways, guys, then he asked me if he could kiss me," Jiwoo said, and Jin and Jimin exchanged amused glances. Suddenly, all three of them let out synchronized squeals of excitement.

"Oh my god, Jiwoo, I approve," Jin exclaimed, and Jiwoo couldn't help but giggle.

"I said yes, and his lips almost met mine when..." Jiwoo paused for dramatic effect, and Jin nodded in eager anticipation. "Jimin rang the doorbell," she finished, her tone filled with mock annoyance.

Jin gasped dramatically and smacked Jimin on the back of the head. "You dumbass, what did you do?" he scolded, and Jimin offered a nervous smile.

"How would I know they were about to kiss me? Jiwoo kicked me out within a minute after that," Jimin defended himself, to which Jin nodded proudly.

"As she should," Jin agreed, shooting Jimin a disgusted look.

"Yeah, anyways, as soon as I kicked Jimin out and closed the door, he suddenly trapped me against it," Jiwoo continued, and Jin and Jimin listened with their jaws dropped in fascination.

"Then he said, 'Should we continue from where we left?' and boy, did I melt," Jiwoo added with a blush, her eyes sparkling as she relived the moment. Jin and Jimin couldn't contain their excitement, and their fangirling was becoming increasingly evident.

"Then he kissed me after I said yes, and you guys, oh my god, he's such a good kisser. His lips are so soft and his breath is minty and refreshing," Jiwoo gushed, her grin widening as she replayed the scene in her mind.

Jiwoo paused dramatically, leaving Jin and Jimin hanging on to her every word.

"That's all you get for now," she said with a mischievous wink, enjoying the suspense she'd built. Jin and Jimin groaned in unison, feeling teased, but also excited for their sister's newfound happiness.

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