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Jimin's got no jams


"So, how was your day?" Jungkook inquired as he settled in front of Jiwoo, genuinely curious about her experiences on set.

"It was amazing," Jiwoo replied with a beaming smile, her eyes lighting up. "Everyone on the set told me I'm a great actor. I still have my doubts, but yeah..."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, a playful skepticism in his expression. "I bet you're really good, and you're just saying this to make me lower my expectations, and then you'll give a mind-blowing performance," he teased, squinting his eyes in mock suspicion.

Jiwoo chuckled and rolled her eyes at his antics. "Seriously, Kook? Also, I got to know the main lead. Taehyung is such a little shit for not telling me," she grumbled, and Jungkook pretended to not be overly interested, even though he was dying to know.

"So, who is it?" he asked casually, trying to hide his curiosity behind a nonchalant demeanor.

"It's Min Yoongi, that crass bitch. He always gets on my nerves," Jiwoo began, her voice laced with frustration. "Imagine kissing him like-" She paused, her eyes narrowing in mock contemplation. "Wait, you know, I almost did today."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat, and he struggled to contain his surprise. "You almost kissed him?" he asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and a hint of jealousy.

Jiwoo nodded, her gaze fixed on Jungkook's face. "Yeah," she confirmed, but as she noticed Jungkook's frown and his crossed arms, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I thought you liked me," he mumbled softly, his expression slightly downcast.

Jiwoo blinked, momentarily confused by his response. "Huh, I do," she replied, her eyes widening as realization washed over her. "Wait a minute... oh!" She laughed, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "My bad, I meant we almost kissed when Taehyung told us to rehearse a scene."

Jungkook's sad expression transformed into a warm, affectionate smile. "I like you too," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity and emotion. Jiwoo's blush deepened as she realized the significance of his words.

"I-, I-, uhm, yeah, I do like you a lot," Jiwoo stammered, her words stumbling over each other as she admitted her feelings. It was the first time she found herself at a loss for words, all because Jungkook had confessed his affection for her too.

"So, can I be your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked, his voice filled with hope and anticipation, his heart racing with the question.

Jiwoo blushed deeply, her eyes widening in surprise at the sudden proposal. "Yes," she replied, her voice soft but resolute. A huge grin spread across Jungkook's face, and he couldn't contain his excitement. He broke into a little dance of joy, unable to contain his happiness.

Jiwoo laughed at his adorable reaction, her heart swelling with affection for him. She looked into his eyes, and in that moment, they both knew that something beautiful had just begun between them.

"I wanted to ask you out properly, but the words just flew out of my mouth," Jungkook admitted, a bashful smile playing on his lips. "I thought you would say no for a second, but I'm glad you said yes. Now, I can call you mine."

Jiwoo chuckled, finding his sincerity endearing. "Why would I say no," she teased, her eyes sparkling with affection, "when the hottest guy I've ever seen asks me out?"

Jungkook's grin widened at her words, his heart swelling with happiness.

"May I, uhm, kiss you?" Jungkook asked awkwardly, his nerves showing as he sought her permission.

Jiwoo squealed in delight, her excitement evident. "Yes, yes, yes, and you're so cute!" she exclaimed, grinning when he asked for her consent.

Jungkook inched closer to her, their lips merely an inch away, their breaths mingling in anticipation. Just as he was about to close the gap between them with a kiss, the doorbell rang.

Jungkook widened his eyes and let out an exasperated scoff. "If it's Taehyung, I'll kill him," he declared, frustration in his voice, as he stomped toward the door.

"Jiwoo, uhm, Jimin's here," Jungkook announced reluctantly, and Jiwoo let out an exasperated sigh. She got up from the couch, clearly annoyed. "Namjoon was right, this guy's got no jams," She muttered to herself.

Jiwoo walked to Jungkook who was walking to her with Jimin following behind. "I'm here to take you home. I asked Taehyung, and he-" Jimin began to explain, but before he could finish, Jiwoo grabbed him by the back of his hoodie and unceremoniously dragged him out of Jungkook's apartment. With a swift kick, she sent him on his way and slammed the door in his face.

"The trash is out," Jiwoo declared with satisfaction, dusting her hands together as if she had just completed a chore.

"I heard that," Jimin's voice came from outside, but Jiwoo simply rolled her eyes.

"Get out, Jimin. I'll be at your place in some time," she threatened, her tone playful yet firm. "And if you don't, I'll upload that picture of you falling asleep in the bathtub after you got drunk for the first time online."

She leaned closer to the doorbell camera and could hear Jimin's grumbling and complaints. However, she remained resolute, determined to make sure he left. When she saw no signs of him, she smiled and sighed in relief, happy to have the apartment Jimin free.

Jiwoo turned back to the door, ready to resume her interrupted moment with Jungkook, when she suddenly found herself pinned against it. Her eyes widened as she gazed into the depths of Jungkook's dark, intense eyes. There was a playful glint in his gaze that sent shivers down her spine.

"Well, want to continue where we left off?" Jungkook asked, his voice low and deep, sending a thrill through Jiwoo's body. Her heart raced in response, and she nodded eagerly, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them.

Jungkook brought his lips closer to hers, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. Time seemed to slow as their faces drew nearer, and the anticipation built, creating an electric tension in the air.

Their lips met in a heart-stopping moment of sweet surrender, a tender exploration of emotions that had long been concealed. Jiwoo's heart skipped a beat as their mouths moved together, her fingers instinctively tangling in the silky strands of Jungkook's raven hair.

But it wasn't just the kiss that left her breathless; it was the way Jungkook pressed her gently against the wall, his body molding to hers as if they were two pieces of a puzzle finally finding their perfect fit.

Jiwoo could feel the solid strength of his chest against her, the warmth of his skin seeping through the fabric of her clothes. It sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't deny.

The world outside seemed to blur into obscurity, and all that mattered was the electrifying sensation of being lost in each other.

It was a kiss that spoke of the magnetic pull that had grown stronger between them with every stolen glance, a connection that had simmered beneath the surface, yearning for release. Their lips seemed to have been yearning for this moment, and now, they embraced their desires with an intensity that left them breathless.

Jungkook's lips were impossibly soft, igniting a fire within Jiwoo that spread like wildfire. Their breaths mingled, and the taste of him was intoxicating, a heady blend of desire and longing. As their kiss deepened, the intensity surged, setting their hearts ablaze with a passion that had been smoldering beneath the surface.

Their tongues danced in a rhythmic cadence, an unspoken dialogue of yearning and need. Jiwoo's pulse quickened, her body responding to the hunger in Jungkook's kisses. Every brush of his lips against hers sent shockwaves of pleasure through her, and she found herself lost in a whirlwind of sensation and emotion.

It was a kiss that left both of them breathless and wanting more, a kiss that spoke of promises yet to be fulfilled and a love that had finally found its way into the open. In that stolen moment, with their hearts fluttering and their bodies pressed together.

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