26 4 7

Coffee and Conversations


Jiwoo stepped into Jungkook's flat, her eyes widening in amazement as she took in the sight of photo frames covering the walls of his residence. Her curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but inquire, "You clicked them?"

Jungkook nodded, his nerves surfacing as he awaited Jiwoo's reaction. "Yeah, each wall contains the pictures I took in a certain year," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Jiwoo carefully observed each picture, her eyes scanning them with genuine interest and appreciation. As she finished looking at all the walls, she stood before her favorite one at the end of the room. Turning to Jungkook, her expression was serious, and he couldn't help but gulp nervously.

"They're so good, oh my god, I love them," Jiwoo exclaimed with excitement. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, his anxiety dissipating. "And you're going to click my photographs for me ASAP," she added, her enthusiasm shining through.

Jiwoo then focused on the wall she particularly admired. "I love this wall, to be honest," she said, pointing to the collection of photos featuring Taehyung, Jungkook, and various picturesque scenes from different places. The images included captivating skies, cute animals, and stunning landscapes.

Jungkook explained with a hint of pride, "This wall is from last year when Taehyung and I traveled to different countries for my 25th birthday."

Intrigued, Jiwoo listened attentively, her interest in Jungkook's experiences growing. "When's your birthday?" she asked excitedly.

Jungkook smiled, appreciating her genuine curiosity. "It's in a few months. I'll be turning 26 on September 1. And what about you?" he inquired, eager to learn more about her.

"I'll be turning 26 too., on December 22. We're both earth signs like I said, maybe this is fate," Jiwoo remarked, her voice carrying a hint of playful wonder. Jungkook chuckled, sharing in her amusement. "If you were born a day earlier, we wouldn't have been that compatible," he quipped, enjoying their lighthearted banter.

Jiwoo leaned in, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Do you believe in zodiac signs?" she asked, genuinely intrigued.

Jungkook shrugged thoughtfully. "I mean, who gives a damn about zodiac signs when all you need in a relationship is trust, loyalty, and loads of love," he replied, his words carrying a wisdom that belied his years.

Jiwoo gazed at him with admiration, touched by his perspective. "I mean, was that cringe?" Jungkook asked, suddenly bashful as he realized he had shared a somewhat philosophical thought.

With a playful smile, Jiwoo shook her head. "Nope, just thinking about how you excel and fit in every single aspect of my ideal type," she confessed, her words causing Jungkook's heart to race.

"Kang Jiwoo, you're seriously fatal for my health," Jungkook quipped, his voice filled with a mixture of humor and affection. "I think my heart just skipped so many beats, I might die," he added, clearing his throat as a wave of bashfulness washed over him. Jiwoo couldn't help but laugh, her own heart dancing with joy at their playful exchange, and butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach.

"Wait, I forgot to ask you to sit. Please, have a seat on my beloved couch. Once I nestle into its heavenly embrace, I find it exceedingly difficult to muster the energy to rise," Jungkook said in a sweet and gracious tone. He extended both hands, gesturing toward the couch with a slight bow of his head as if bestowing upon Jiwoo a royal privilege. Jiwoo giggled, reciprocating the courtesy by placing one hand gracefully on her chest and casually stretching out the end of Jungkook's hoodie with her other hand. With a deliberate pace, she approached the couch and took a seat.

"Holy smokes, this is incredibly plush! I think I might even fall asleep here," Jiwoo exclaimed, projecting her voice loudly enough for Jungkook to hear her in the kitchen. In response, Jungkook flashed a beaming grin.

"Make yourself truly at home," Jungkook called out warmly as he carefully picked up two mugs, strolled over to the couch, and placed them on the table. With a gentle grace, he settled down next to Jiwoo, who now appeared to be in much better spirits.

"These cups are beyond adorable, oh my goodness," Jiwoo exclaimed, her eyes fixated on the charming cat-themed mugs. "I'm absolutely obsessed with cats."

A wide smile stretched across Jungkook's face. "I feel the exact same way; they're irresistibly cute," he admitted, sharing in Jiwoo's enthusiasm.

"I've been itching to adopt a cat for ages, but my mom insists I can't handle the responsibility on my own," Jiwoo lamented with a hint of frustration in her voice.

Jungkook let out a soft sigh, but then a spark of inspiration lit up in Jungkook's mind. "What if we got one together?" He proposed with excitement.

Jiwoo's eyes lit up, her enthusiasm matching Jungkook's. "That's a fantastic idea! We can share the joy and responsibility."

Jiwoo then took a moment to admire the surroundings. "You've really created a lovely and snug atmosphere here," she complimented, appreciating the coziness of Jungkook's home.

However, Jungkook's smile took on a more melancholic note. "I've cherished this place for a few years, but I'll be moving to a larger space in two months," he revealed, a touch of sadness creeping into his voice.

"Oh, so that's why you've got boxes here and there, also, I have my own apartment, but I basically live at Jimin's place all day," Jiwoo confessed, her expression taking on a tinge of sadness as she mentioned Jimin. Jungkook noticed the change in her demeanor and tilted his head curiously.

"So you fought with your cousin?" he inquired, his eyes filled with empathy as he tried to understand her situation.

Jiwoo looked at him in surprise. "I- how do you know?" she asked, genuinely impressed by his perceptiveness.

"Your expression," Jungkook replied with a small smile. "You're easy to read."

With a grumpy frown, Jiwoo vented, "So, like, not my fault. He's so stupid and dumb, and he always makes weird idiotic decisions, and I hate him."

Jungkook listened attentively, sensing that Jiwoo might want to open up further. "Would you like to talk about it, if you're comfortable, of course?" he offered gently.

Jiwoo hesitated for a moment but then decided to share. "Remember the dating scandal picture? It was me and Jin on a date," she revealed, her voice tinged with frustration.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief, not having known this side of the story. Jiwoo chuckled at his reaction. "I went on the date because I saw a certain someone laughing with a girl while he carried her on his back, and they looked like a couple," she explained, giving Jungkook a sly side-eye.

"Hey!" Jungkook protested playfully. "Do you know I almost cried when I saw your scandal and found out about Jin being an absolute slay human?"

Jiwoo rolled her eyes at his choice of words. "Slay human my ass," she retorted. "He didn't even tell me he went on the date with me because Jimin told him I was crying for a boy."

Jungkook widened his eyes, feeling a pang of guilt. "Did you cry because of me...?" he asked Jiwoo softly, his concern evident in his eyes.

She nodded with a grumpy huff, still harboring some resentment towards Jimin and Jin for their actions. "Yeah, and it wasn't cool at all."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized sincerely. "I'll make sure you never cry because of me again, or cry at all."

Jiwoo's heart fluttered at his words, and she couldn't help but laugh. Teasingly, she called him "boyfriend material," a playful comment that left both of them smiling, their newfound connection deepening with each passing moment on that cozy couch.

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