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When Jungkook Met Jiwoo Again


Jiwoo finally made it home after a long and tiring day, her feet throbbing in pain from those darn high white heels. All she wanted was the sweet relief of her bed and a solid night's sleep. In a rush, she scurried to her bathroom, quickly wiping off the day's makeup and running through her nightly skincare routine. The promise of a peaceful slumber felt within reach.

But as Jiwoo settled into her soft sheets, her mind couldn't shake off thoughts of the mysterious stranger who unexpectedly popped into her life earlier. Summoning some courage, she had managed to ask for his number, and shockingly, he willingly shared it. The thrill of possibly reconnecting with such an intriguing person sent excitement coursing through her.

Heart racing, Jiwoo reluctantly abandoned her cozy nest of blankets and pillows, determined to find that precious piece of paper with the stranger's number. Panic set in as she rummaged through her purse, fingers fumbling through its contents, but the coveted tissue remained elusive. Desperation grew as she frantically searched her coat pockets, agitation mounting with each futile attempt.

"Ugh, Kang Jiwoo," she muttered to herself, scolding her own carelessness. "How could you lose that Hotshot's number? You might never run into that hottie again."

Feeling defeated and worn out, Jiwoo let out a heavy sigh and flopped back onto her bed, frustration and regret washing over her. She pulled her covers around her, wrapping herself in a somber embrace, thoughts consumed by the handsome stranger slipping through her fingers. With a heavy heart, she succumbed to the weariness that had been chasing her all day and drifted into a restless sleep, the memory of the encounter haunting her dreams.


As Jungkook stepped into his apartment, an air of impending change enveloped him. With just one month left before he had to vacate, the place seemed strangely foreign, a silent witness to his fleeting time within its walls. Time had a habit of slipping away unnoticed, but now, it felt as if every moment was deliberately stretching out, lingering in its own deliberate cadence.

Exhausted from the prospect of packing and moving, Jungkook sank onto his couch, his gaze flitting occasionally to his phone. He longed for a message or call from Jiwoo, the memory of their brief encounter at the club still vivid in his mind. The eye contact they had shared, the smiles exchanged-it had all ignited a spark within him, making him believe there was a connection.

His eyelids grew heavy, and fatigue took over as he dozed off on the couch. The abrupt thump of his fall awakened him from a deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes, the raven-haired young man reached for his phone, hoping to find some sign from Jiwoo. Disappointment washed over him as he discovered no new messages or calls.

Jungkook's infatuation with Jiwoo was undeniable, fueled by their electric chemistry from the previous night. He was convinced that she felt the same way. However, it was already 2:00 p.m., and he couldn't help but rationalize that maybe she wasn't texting him because it was a lazy Sunday. With a resigned sigh, he accepted his single status for the time being and headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, he surveyed his closet filled mostly with white t-shirts-a color that instantly brought Jiwoo to his mind. Shaking his head to dispel the thought, he opted for a black shirt and grey sweatpants, chastising himself softly for getting so caught up after just a 30-minute conversation.

With a hairdryer in hand, he dried his hair vigorously and exhaled deeply. Hunger pangs prompted him to wander to the kitchen, only to find most of his belongings already packed away in preparation for the move. A sense of exasperation welled up as he realized he had nothing to eat.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook donned a pair of flip-flops, locked his apartment door behind him, and set off for the nearby convenience store, resigning himself to the reality of another solitary meal.

Jungkook stepped into the convenience store, his mission for sustenance clear in his mind. As he perused the aisles, scanning the shelves for a snack to satisfy his hunger, his eyes caught a familiar sight. There, engrossed in the task of choosing the perfect flavor of chips, was none other than his best friend, Taehyung.

A mischievous grin played on Jungkook's lips as he seized the opportunity for a playful prank. Stealthily, he crept up behind Taehyung, his hand landing lightly on Taehyung's shoulder. The sudden touch sent a jolt through Taehyung, causing him to lose his grip on the chip packets in his hands. Startled, Taehyung clutched his heart with one hand and turned on Jungkook with a fierce scowl.

"Jeon Jungkook, you motherfucker," Taehyung exclaimed, his voice dripping with mock anger. "I'll kill you today."

Jungkook responded by sticking out his tongue impishly before darting off between the aisles. The chase was on, as Taehyung pursued him with good-natured threats echoing through the store.

However, Jungkook's unexpected collision with another shopper brought the chase to an abrupt halt. The impact sent both him and the other person tumbling to the ground. In the split second, before they hit the floor, Jungkook managed to instinctively shift their positions, ensuring the person fell atop him instead of the other way around.

Wincing from the collision, Jungkook blinked in surprise as he took in the person he had unintentionally tackled. It was Jiwoo, the same captivating stranger from the club last night. She had been on the receiving end of the collision, and their eyes locked in a moment of mutual shock.

"Ouch, I'm so... " Jiwoo began to apologize, but her words trailed off as recognition dawned. She realized she had fallen on none other than the handsome stranger who had briefly met her at the club, first nearly terrifying her with the sudden impact and then saving her by reversing their positions.

A mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and a hint of amusement filled the air as they found themselves in this unexpected situation.

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