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The kids Nowadays


Despite Taehyung's call to cut, Yoongi allowed his lips to linger dangerously close to Jiwoo's, a daring move that caused her heart to race erratically. Her eyes widened as his gaze left her lips and locked onto her own, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Slowly, Yoongi's right hand, which had previously caged her against the desk, gently moved to her face. His thumb brushed her bottom lip teasingly before he finally released her, breaking the spell. Jiwoo, in a flustered daze, stood next to Yoongi, her mind racing to catch up with the sudden intensity of the scene.

As they stepped away from each other, Jiwoo couldn't help but notice the reactions of the staff and the cast who were witnessing the exchange. Their jaws had dropped, and the tension in the room had dissolved away leaving everyone in the room momentarily stunned by the unexpected chemistry between Jiwoo and Yoongi.

The room came alive with enthusiastic comments from the staff, their initial shock quickly giving way to admiration. "It was so good," one of them gushed, and a chorus of agreements followed. "I couldn't take my eyes off them. They're so cute together," another chimed in, earning nods of approval from those around.

Jiwoo couldn't help but giggle at the overwhelmingly positive response, her heart warmed by their praises. Beside her, Yoongi wore a grin that showcased his adorable gummy smile, a sight that left several people in the room looking at him with a sense of awe and fondness, including Jiwoo herself. The unexpected chemistry they had displayed had clearly made a lasting impression on everyone present.

As the rehearsal wrapped up for the day, Jiwoo, who was practically skipping with happiness, stopped in front of Taehyung. She couldn't contain her excitement, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Taeeeee," she called out, catching his attention.

Taehyung, equally elated, turned to her with a curious smile. "What's up?" he asked, eager to hear what Jiwoo had to say.

"I reallyyyyyy wanna see Jungkook," Jiwoo confessed, her enthusiasm bubbling over. "But, you see, I could go by myself, but then I'd have to tell my manager about it, and she would eat me alive if she found me in another dating scandal," she added, shivering at the mere thought of her manager's reaction.

Taehyung grinned and nodded understandingly. "Of course, I'm heading to Kook's place as well. Tag along," he offered, extending his arm gracefully. Jiwoo laughed, intertwining her arm with his, and they walked together to his car, sharing a moment of playful laughter as they drove off, both looking forward to their visit with Jungkook.


Jungkook, who had been on the verge of falling asleep on his beloved couch, was jolted awake by the doorbell ringing. With an audible groan, he reluctantly dragged himself off the couch, fully expecting to find Taehyung at the door, as only he would dare to disturb him at this hour.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Jungkook reached the door and glanced at the doorbell camera, where he was met with Taehyung's excited, mischievous face making all sorts of goofy expressions just to annoy him. With a sigh, he opened the door and leaned against the frame, shirtless and clearly unimpressed. "Taehyung, it's like 10:00 PM. Go sleep at your own place," he grumbled, ready to shut the door in his friend's face.

However, just as he was about to do so, Jiwoo stepped out from behind Taehyung. Her presence caught Jungkook completely off guard. His eyes widened as he watched her openly assess his physique. "Heyy... Holy shit," Jiwoo breathed, her voice filled with awe, "you're even hotter than I imagined." She continued to unabashedly admire him, her gaze raking over his sculpted chest, defined abs, and chiseled form. He felt his cheeks flush as he absorbed her words, the compliment sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.

Jungkook's jaw dropped in sheer surprise as Jiwoo openly checked him out and complimented his appearance. He felt a rush of warmth wash over him at her words, nearly melting into a puddle under her gaze. He quickly snapped out of his stupor and hurried to grab a nearby t-shirt, blushing slightly.

Taehyung, completely unfazed by the scene, shrugged and casually made his way inside, as if he had seen Jungkook shirtless countless times since their childhood. Jiwoo followed behind him, her mind now imprinted with the perfect image of Jungkook's beautiful body, her wide-eyed admiration refusing to wane.

Jungkook, after hastily donning a shirt and tidying up his hair, stepped out of his room. His irritation toward Taehyung for not informing him of Jiwoo's visit still simmered, and he shot his friend death glares, though his disheveled appearance and shirtless state had garnered an unexpectedly positive reaction from Jiwoo. The memory of her openly checking him out made his ears turn crimson with embarrassment, and he found himself too shy to meet her gaze directly.

He cautiously made his way to the couch, settling down next to Taehyung. He shot his friend a withering glare, silently conveying his annoyance at being caught off guard. Taehyung, in response, offered a sheepish and nervous smile, attempting to smooth over the situation. He quickly returned his attention to finding a movie on Jungkook's Netflix account, hoping to deflect any further tension.

Jungkook, too shy to look directly at Jiwoo, let his gaze wander. When he finally mustered the courage to steal a glance at her, he found her grinning at him. Flustered, he quickly averted his gaze, staring down at his hands as he struggled to keep his composure. It was then that he heard Jiwoo let out an excited squeal, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of both embarrassment and curiosity at her reaction.

"Kook, I swear to God you're so cute," Jiwoo exclaimed, her eyes filled with amusement as she gazed at Jungkook. His heart skipped a beat at her words, and he couldn't help but break into a wide grin. "Well, like I said last time, you're way cuter," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes mirroring Jiwoo's playfulness.

"Disgusting, I'm out," Taehyung declared, rising from the couch and shutting off the TV. He shot them both a mock-disgusted look. "I'm off to meet Aera," he added, and Jungkook couldn't resist smirking at him.

"Oh, the girl whose foot you broke?" Jiwoo inquired, her tone light and teasing. Taehyung winced at the reminder. "We don't talk about that," he muttered, and Jungkook had to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, go meet your girlfriend," Jungkook teased, a mischievous glint in his eye. Taehyung, not one to back down, threatened to stab him with his car key again, waving it in Jungkook's direction with exaggerated menace.

As Taehyung made his exit, he couldn't resist a parting shot. "Kids nowadays," he muttered in mock exasperation, shaking his head. "So rude, I tell you." With that, he left the room, leaving Jiwoo and Jungkook in fits of laughter at his theatrical antics.

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