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Fight and Flight


On the same Tuesday evening, Jiwoo made her way to the set where Jimin and Jin were shooting the music video for the main track of their collaboration album. Her cousin and her best friend had teamed up for what promised to be a thrilling project, and Jiwoo was eager to watch them in action.

As she arrived on set, she noticed Taehyung behind the camera, fully engrossed in capturing the perfect angles for Jimin and Jin. Jiwoo stood silently behind him, observing his dedication to his craft.

"Cut," Taehyung called out after Jimin and Jin finished their choreography. The two artists collapsed to the ground, and water was brought to them to help them cool off. Taehyung turned around, and to his surprise, Jiwoo was standing right behind him.

"Holy shi-" Taehyung began, his hand instinctively going to his heart as he was startled by Jiwoo's sudden appearance.

Jiwoo didn't miss a beat as she praised Taehyung's work. "Omg, you're so good at this," she exclaimed. "You made my cousin, who I must admit is the ugliest dude ever, look amazing. And you managed to make the world wide handsome Jin look even more handsome."

Taehyung smiled at her compliment. "Wait, weren't you a film director?" Jiwoo asked, clearly puzzled.

Taehyung nodded casually. "Yeah, I am, but Jin asked me to shoot their music video, and I couldn't say no. He's a legend, and besides, Jimin is your cousin, and how can I not help my best friend's future girlfriend's cousin and best friend?" Taehyung explained, revealing the web of connections that had led him to this project.

Jiwoo couldn't help but laugh at Taehyung's explanation. "Future girlfriend, huh?" she said with a proud grin. "Only if your bestie asks me out. Tell him he should do it as soon as possible, or I might beat him to it."

Taehyung laughed heartily, thoroughly entertained by Jiwoo's spirited response. Their banter added a touch of lightheartedness to the set, and the atmosphere was charged with energy as they continued to watch Jimin and Jin work their magic.

Jimin and Jin approached Taehyung as they monitored their performance on set. Jimin couldn't resist a teasing remark as he addressed Jiwoo. "What are you doing here, you peasant?" he playfully chided.

Jiwoo, unfazed by Jimin's jesting tone, retorted with a smirk, "I'm here to meet my bestie, but I met my other bestie too."

Jin, feigning betrayal, gasped dramatically at Jiwoo's response, while Jimin scoffed. "Not here to meet your cousin, are you?" Jimin asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Jiwoo mirrored Jimin's tone with a sarcastic smile. "Nope, not at all," she replied, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Jin couldn't help but voice his disappointment. "Jiwoo, how can you do this to me? I thought I was your bestie," he lamented, shaking his head disapprovingly.

Jiwoo laughed and playfully walked over to Jin, enveloping him in a side hug as he crossed his arms grumpily. "If you don't hug back, I'm letting go," she threatened, and Jin immediately hugged her back, their laughter filling the air.

"But it still doesn't explain why you're sharing my place with Taehyung," Jin remarked, looking down at Jiwoo, who didn't even reach his broad shoulders. She responded with a cheeky smile. "Well, Taehyung gave me Jungkook's number and cleared up the misunderstanding that was created. Now, I'm meeting him tomorrow," Jiwoo announced, her excitement evident as she let out a delighted squeal. Taehyung smiled proudly at the positive outcome of his actions.

Jin, still puzzled, pressed for more information. "Who's Jungkook, though?" he inquired, causing Jiwoo to glance at Jimin, who, in turn, looked at Taehyung. They all realized they had some explaining to do. They began recounting the events from the night Jiwoo first met Jungkook at the club, filling Jin in on the intriguing story of how they had all become interconnected through their friendship and shared experiences.


"Wait, so the guy you were crying about to Jimin is finally with you?" Jin exclaimed excitedly, and Jiwoo nodded with equal enthusiasm before her expression turned thoughtful. "How do you know I was crying about him to Jimin?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Jimin, in a subtle panic, widened his eyes and gestured to Jin, silently pleading for him to stay quiet. However, the younger cousin, with her sharp eyes, had already picked up on it. "Park Jimin, did you gossip about me?" Jiwoo's tone was a mix of disbelief and irritation. "Were you going around telling people how annoying I am because I keep talking about a guy?"

Jin attempted to explain Jimin's clear intentions, "No, he just told me that the guy you liked is dating someone else and you were heartbroken and cried a lot. So he wanted me to go on a date with you to cheer you up with my handsome face," he clarified.

Jiwoo's expression hardened as the pieces fell into place. "So, you went on a date with me because you felt sorry for me?" she asked, the realization hitting her hard. Jin could see the look of disappointment and hurt in Jiwoo's eyes, and it crushed him.

"No, Ji, it's not like that," Jin tried to defend himself, but his words fell short.

"Jimin, I can't believe that you would force someone to go on a date with me," Jiwoo said, her disappointment evident as she looked at him.

Jin, struggling to find the right words, finally managed to speak. "No, Jiwoo, I wasn't forced into it. I-" But he was cut off by Jiwoo, her words sharp and accusatory.

"I knew you before? I wanted to meet you. If that's what you're going to say, Jin, don't lie," Jiwoo declared, her tone unwavering. She was hurt, and the sincerity of their friendship felt compromised.

Jin was left speechless, unable to find the right words to mend the situation. He knew one thing for sure-he didn't go on that date out of pity or because he knew Jimin. He had been genuinely curious about Jiwoo.

"Ji, please," Jin began, but Jiwoo cut him off firmly. "No. You can't call me that. I thought we had a genuine friendship, not one that was based on pity," she stated before walking out of the studio.

Jin wanted to follow her and explain himself, but he was trapped in his outfit, unable to reveal it before the teasers were released. He was left with the regret of not being able to clear the misunderstanding and mend their friendship.

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