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So many Scandals!!


"So, were you guys watching a movie?" Jimin chimed in as he casually plopped himself down on Jungkook's couch, his eyes locking onto one of Jiwoo's snacks. Without hesitation, he opened the package and started munching away.

"Park Jimin!! Where are your manners? Oh my god, Kook, I'm so sorry," Jiwoo exclaimed, scolding Jimin for his impromptu snack raid. He couldn't help but blush when she casually used a nickname for him.

Jungkook, however, remained composed and gracious. "It's not a problem," he assured them, politely bowing his head to Jin and Jimin as they exchanged pleasantries.

Jiwoo wasn't about to let Jimin off the hook, though. "Also, give it back. You're on a diet," she scolded, snatching her snack away from Jimin, who pouted in response.

Jin, always the picture of courtesy, reciprocated with a polite bow, introducing himself formally to Jungkook.

"I'll take them home before Jimin starts to get a bit too comfortable," Jiwoo declared, her tone lighthearted but determined. Jin nodded in agreement.

As Jiwoo made her intentions clear, Taehyung had to stifle a laugh when he noticed that Jimin had restarted the movie Frozen and was already settling in comfortably to watch it once again, seemingly unfazed by the impending departure.


"I can't believe you guys came there, I was having a movie date with him. You guys ruined it, also how can Jimin camp on Jungkook's couch like that?" Jiwoo vented her frustration as she drove the car. Jimin was sitting in the back seat, sulking with a pout, while Jin, who was seated next to Jiwoo, attempted to maintain a sense of fairness in mediating between the cousins.

"We were worried, Jiwoo, and you know Jimin. He's an extrovert, so he always makes himself comfortable," Jin reasoned, trying to offer an explanation for their intrusion.

Jiwoo scoffed, clearly not satisfied with the explanation. "Yeah, and he embarrassed me! How am I supposed to face him on our date tomorrow?" She added a touch of melodrama, pretending to cry for effect.

Jimin, ever the protective cousin, couldn't help but voice his concerns. "Why do you keep meeting this dude? He seems kinda sus to me. Did you see his tattooed arm? And the piercings! He looks like a mafia lord to me," he complained, his worry evident in his voice.

Jiwoo couldn't contain her disbelief. "Are you serious? It makes him look hotter, okay? And he isn't into the mafia," she retorted, shaking her head at Jimin's wild imagination.

Jimin, undeterred, continued his argument. "What if he's some creepy stalker then? He had pictures all over the walls," he pointed out.

Jiwoo rolled her eyes at his paranoia and hit the brakes at a traffic light. She turned back to give Jimin a 'seriously?' look. "Jiwoo, green light," Jin reminded her, bringing her attention back to the road as she resumed driving.

"He's a talented photographer, Jimin. What do you expect?" Jiwoo said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Those pictures were amazing. If he took them, he must be really talented," Jin remarked, appreciating the artistic aspect of Jungkook's work. Jiwoo nodded in enthusiastic agreement, glad that someone appreciated Jungkook's talent despite the earlier drama.

"Stop pouting and get out, Jimin, we're outside your building," Jiwoo said, her annoyance with Jimin still evident after he crashed her date.

"Fine, it's not like I want to stay with you," Jimin huffed, finally stepping out of the car but not before playfully sticking out his tongue.

Jiwoo rolled her eyes at his antics. "Jesus Christ, this kid is so freaking annoying," She complained, her frustration evident as she smacked her head against the steering wheel.

"Ji, you know he's just..." Jin began, trying to offer some perspective to Jiwoo.

But Jiwoo cut him off, her tone firm. "Worried about me? No, Jin, I'm not 16 anymore. I'm not being bullied or something. I know what I'm doing with my life, and Jungkook is a great guy," she asserted as she drove toward Jin's place.

"I know, Jiwoo, but that's because you've spent time with him. Jimin still thinks he had a girlfriend, and he made you cry," Jin explained, his voice laced with concern.

Jiwoo's jaw dropped in surprise at the accusation. "HE DIDN'T," she declared emphatically, her defense of Jungkook unwavering.

Jin nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "I mean, yeah, sure, but Jimin has his suspicions. Clear them out and stop fighting with each other all the time," he scolded, his concern for their strained relationship evident.

Jiwoo squinted her eyes at Jin but eventually nodded in agreement. "Fine, oldie," she teased, earning a mockingly scandalized expression from Jin.

"I'm never helping you again," Jin huffed, crossing his arms in jest.

Jiwoo quickly lightened the mood with a playful gesture. "I'm just kidding, Jinnie," she said, reaching over to playfully ruffle his hair, which prompted a swift smack on her hand from him.

"No touching my beautiful hair," Jin quipped, showing her his tongue with a playful grin as they continued their friendly banter.

"Bye, see ya. I'm taking Jimin's car home," Jiwoo announced to Jin as she prepared to leave, and he nodded with a warm smile.

"Bye, kiddo," Jin said affectionately before closing the door and waving to Jiwoo as she drove off. Alone in his space, he couldn't help but reflect on the sometimes chaotic but always endearing dynamic between the cousins.

"These cousins will be the end of me," Jin mused to himself, a soft laugh escaping his lips. Despite the occasional challenges, it was clear that his fondness for the younger ones ran deep, and he wouldn't have it any other way.


Jiwoo woke up with excitement bubbling inside her as she realized that today was her date with Jungkook, a day she had been eagerly anticipating. She reached for her phone, eager to check the time and perhaps send a message to Jungkook, but her excitement turned into disbelief when she saw a barrage of missed calls from her company. Before she could react, her phone rang again, and it was Namjoon on the other end.

"Namjoon, it's my free day!! I'm not coming to work today," Jiwoo complained, her frustration evident in her voice.

"Jiwoo, how can you possibly get into a dating scandal twice a week?" Namjoon said in disbelief, his exasperation audible.

Jiwoo's eyes widened in panic. "Did they get a picture of me and Jungkook?" she asked, fearing the worst.

Namjoon's response, however, brought her a sense of relief. "No, it's you and Jin again. Who's Jungkook?" he asked, his tone more composed.

"But you cleared it out at the party," Jiwoo said, confusion evident in her voice.

"Yeah, but apparently Kwon is holding a press conference today, and this is obviously his doing. He is seriously getting on my nerves," Namjoon replied, his annoyance palpable.

Jiwoo couldn't help but scoff at the mention of Kwon. "I hate that guy from the core." She said and Namjoon agreed.

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