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"Shit, what if he fires me?" Jiwoo muttered to Jimin in a panic. However, before she could say anything to Namjoon, he surprised her by pulling her into a warm, comforting hug. Jiwoo blinked in surprise for a few seconds but then hugged him back tightly.

"Namjoon, I just wanted to defend Jin and-" Jiwoo began to explain, but her words were cut off as Namjoon spoke.

"I'm proud of you, Kang Jiwoo," Namjoon said sincerely, his voice filled with admiration. "You were so brave, but you can relax now. I'll have Jin sue that guy for public defamation. I promise that he won't ever be near you, and his show gets shut down."

Jiwoo's eyes filled with tears of relief as she heard Namjoon's words. It was exactly the reassurance she needed to hear. "Junie, thank you so much," she said, her voice filled with gratitude, and she hugged him even tighter, expressing her appreciation for his support and understanding.

Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok exchanged warm smiles as they watched the heartwarming scene between Jiwoo and Namjoon.

"Your CEO sure does care about you guys a lot," Jin remarked, and Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I swear to god he has this fatherly love for all of us, even though we're barely a few years apart," Jimin added, his voice filled with admiration for Namjoon's caring nature.

"He's a really good guy," Hoseok chimed in, acknowledging Namjoon's kindness and support.

Namjoon gently broke the hug with Jiwoo and affectionately patted her head, showing his concern and care for her like a protective father figure.


Jiwoo entered the company with a skip in her step, her spirits lifted by the positive reception she had received on social media. She had become a trending topic on Twitter and Instagram, thanks to her memorable heel throw. Memes and praises were flooding the internet, with people commending her for exposing Kwon's behavior. Her celebrity friends, especially those who had been guests on Kwon's show, were grateful to her for taking revenge on their behalf.

Her phone buzzed incessantly with notifications, but this time, they weren't about dating scandals, which had plagued her twice in a week. Instead, they were filled with congratulatory messages, interview requests, and offers for shoots and advertisements. Jiwoo's popularity was soaring, and the opportunities in the entertainment industry were pouring in.

Meanwhile, Jin was also riding the wave of public support. He, too, had become a trending topic for punching Kwon. An anonymous video from the party had surfaced, showcasing the confrontation and Jin's defense of Jiwoo. It was clear that his actions had not tarnished his reputation but had boosted the company's stocks and brought in numerous offers for interviews, scripts, and advertisements.

Jiwoo walked into Namjoon's office with a sense of curiosity, her brows slightly furrowed as she wondered why he had called her in on this particular day. Her curiosity deepened when she noticed Taehyung sitting there as well, an unexpected presence that sparked her interest.

"Taehyung, what brings you here?" Jiwoo asked, her voice laced with surprise. She turned her gaze to Namjoon, who was wearing an unusually proud and excited expression.

"I've come to discuss a script offer with Namjoon," Taehyung replied, offering a nonchalant explanation for his presence. However, the intrigue surrounding this visit didn't escape Jiwoo's notice.

As Jiwoo processed this revelation, her mind automatically jumped to her cousin, Jimin, who had been receiving script offers lately. Assuming Taehyung was referring to him, she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Wow, Jimin's getting another script from you? I'll tell him to choose yours, Taehyung, since you're my new bestie," Jiwoo exclaimed with enthusiasm, playfully claiming her newfound friendship with Taehyung.

Taehyung, amused by her response, couldn't help but chuckle. However, he swiftly corrected her misunderstanding.

"Nope, Jiwoo, the script I've brought here is for you," Taehyung clarified, causing Jiwoo's eyes to widen with surprise and her heart to skip a beat.

Namjoon, witnessing Jiwoo's reaction, couldn't contain his excitement either.

"I'm incredibly proud. My very own 'problem child' is making her debut in the film industry," Namjoon declared with a wide grin, emphasizing his enthusiasm for Jiwoo's newfound opportunity.

Jiwoo's initial shock quickly gave way to a wave of panic. The idea of acting was something she hadn't considered before, and her lack of confidence in this unfamiliar field was evident in her response.

"Me? Acting? What if I suck at it? Omg, I'll embarrass you and me both, Tae," Jiwoo exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine concern. The thought of failing or making a fool of herself on screen was enough to send her into a minor panic.

Taehyung, however, leaned back in his chair and remained surprisingly calm. He understood Jiwoo's apprehension and was prepared to reassure her.

"Jiwoo, relax," Taehyung said soothingly. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've been a director for quite a while now, and I've had many hits. Don't underestimate yourself. You've got the talent and charisma for it, I can see it. Plus, I wouldn't offer you this opportunity if I didn't believe in you."

Taehyung gestured for Jiwoo to sit down, attempting to shift the focus away from the nerves and onto the exciting opportunity ahead.

"Sit, let's discuss the script now. Tell me if you like it," he encouraged. Meanwhile, Namjoon couldn't contain his excitement, feeling like a proud mentor witnessing his protege take a significant leap in her career.

"I love the script, it suits you so much, Jiwoo," Namjoon exclaimed, his enthusiasm nearly palpable. However, Jiwoo was clearly feeling the pressure and anxiety of this new venture.

"Chill, Jun," Jiwoo replied, her voice betraying her nervousness. She placed her hand on her waist, a physical manifestation of her jitters. "I know you're happy that I'm taking a big step in my career, but I might puke if you don't stop putting on the pressure."

Jiwoo listened carefully as Taehyung enthusiastically described the script. She couldn't help but express her initial skepticism.

"So, basically, the role is of a badass CEO of the most popular entertainment industry, and the romance is with one of her own stars. What the heck, Tae, did you pick this up from some manhwa or something? Sounds so cliche," she commented, shaking her head at the seemingly stereotypical storyline.

Taehyung's face lit up with enthusiasm as he responded, "Bingo! It's from this very popular manhwa, and people love it and want it to be turned into a drama. I got the script a few days ago, and when I saw you yesterday, I knew you were the one to play Min Jiho."

Jiwoo, still a bit skeptical but curious, nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, who's the main lead, and could you please give me the script? I'd like to have a read and see what I'm getting into," she said, extending her hand for the script.

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