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Afternoon Adventures


Jiwoo settled into her seat across from Jungkook, her lips grazing the straw of her banana milk as she watched him tend to the icepack pressed against the back of his head. The collision in the store had left a noticeable bump, and Jungkook's wince as he iced it spoke volumes about the discomfort he was feeling.

The atmosphere between them was steeped in an awkward silence, one that Jiwoo felt compelled to break.  She cleared her throat, her fake cough serving as a gentle attempt to dissipate the tension that hung in the air. It was also a subtle signal to Taehyung, who had been eyeing her with an intensity that had not gone unnoticed.

Just when the air seemed to lighten, Taehyung blurted out a question that caught Jiwoo off guard. "Are you Jungkook's girlfriend?" His words sent a surge of banana milk down the wrong pipe, and Jiwoo choked momentarily, her eyes wide with surprise.

Jungkook's response was swift, a mixture of shock and exasperation. He smacked the back of Taehyung's head, a playful yet firm rebuke. "Tae, seriously? You can't just ask that out of the blue!"

Taehyung rubbed his head, not entirely repentant but understanding the gravity of his question. Jiwoo, meanwhile, managed to regain her composure, her cheeks faintly flushed from the unexpected inquiry. She turned her gaze toward Jungkook, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Jiwoo couldn't help but flash Jungkook a teasing smile, her eyes dancing with mischief as she took another sip of her banana milk. The subtle tinge of pink that crept onto Jungkook's cheeks didn't escape her notice, and she couldn't resist smirking at his momentary embarrassment.

In response, Jungkook playfully shook his head and unleashed his secret weapon-an irresistibly charming wink that had been known to render people powerless in its wake. Jiwoo's reaction was immediate, her heart skipping a beat as the straw from her mouth slipped back into the carton of milk.

"If looks could kill, you'd definitely be in jail right now," she remarked nonchalantly, though the flutter in her chest betrayed her cool exterior.

Jungkook chuckled, the sound rich and warm, and he leaned slightly closer to Jiwoo. "I'd say the same for you," he admitted, a twinkle in his eye as he mirrored her blush. Their playful banter had injected a new, delightful dimension into their unexpected reunion, and the air seemed to buzz with an unspoken connection.

"So, are you guys dating or not?" Taehyung posed another question about their relationship status, the duo sitting before him exchanged glances. His curiosity hung in the air, and he leaned forward, eager for an answer.

"No, Kim Taehyung. We aren't dating," Jungkook replied with a sigh, his tone hinting at a touch of exasperation.

Yet, Jiwoo couldn't resist adding her own playful twist to the response. "Yet," she chimed in with a wink directed at Jungkook, her eyes dancing with mischief. Jungkook couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at her words, his heart performing a subtle dance and his stomach performing acrobatics.

The word "yet" echoed in the air as Jungkook repeated it, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. Jiwoo responded with a smile that carried a soft, rosy blush on her cheeks, their unspoken connection deepening with each passing moment.

Their playful banter prompted a comical whine from Taehyung, "You guys are making me feel so fucking single." Both Jungkook and Jiwoo burst into laughter, the chemistry between them undeniable, even if they weren't officially dating.

"But we aren't even dating," Jiwoo pointed out, her words punctuated by another playful wink from Jungkook.

Then, in the midst of their budding connection, Jiwoo had a sudden realization. "Wait, what's your name? I still don't know," she admitted, her brow furrowing in genuine curiosity. Jungkook chuckled softly, captivated by her inquisitiveness.

"I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook," he introduced himself with a smile, and Jiwoo nodded in acknowledgement. The way she repeated his name made Jungkook's heart flutter, and he couldn't help but repeat hers in return.

"Jiwoo," he said, savoring the sound of her name on his lips. Jiwoo's cheeks colored with a delightful pink blush as she heard her name echoed back to her. It was an inexplicable connection they were forging, given they had only met the day before.

However, their moment was abruptly interrupted by a sudden shout that echoed through the air, causing Jiwoo to yelp in surprise. "Oops, gotta run," she exclaimed, rising from her chair and abandoning her empty banana milk carton on the table. With a playful wink and a blown kiss to Jungkook, she dashed off in haste.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a surge of concern as he watched another guy chasing after Jiwoo, shouting her name. "JIMIN, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" Jiwoo's laughter filled the air as she playfully taunted her pursuer, and they soon disappeared from sight.

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged bemused glances. "Well, that was weird," Taehyung commented, summing up the surreal encounter succinctly. Jungkook could only nod in agreement, his thoughts lingering on the enigmatic and captivating Jiwoo.

Jiwoo held up a hand, signaling for a temporary halt, and Jimin obediently stopped beside her, both of them panting from their impromptu sprint. She caught her breath while he rested his hands on his knees, concern etched on his features.

"Do you realize how worried I was?" Jimin's voice carried a mix of relief and admonishment. "You left your phone at home and just wandered off like that. What if something had happened? What if you got mobbed?"

Jiwoo, however, brushed off his concerns with a playful shrug. "Oh, come on, I'm not that famous," she replied, punctuating her statement by lightly bumping her shoulder into his. Her tone was teasing, and Jimin couldn't help but shake his head at her playful demeanor.

Jimin chuckled at her response. "Yeah, right," he retorted with a smirk. "You're on billboards, magazine covers - your face is practically everywhere."

Jiwoo simply beamed at him, her smile holding a mischievous undertone that Jimin was all too familiar with. "Well, you know me," she quipped innocently, her eyes dancing with amusement. Jimin couldn't help but shake his head in response again.

"You're going to get me into trouble one day," he predicted, though his words held more amusement than frustration.

Their banter was cut short when a sudden scream pierced the air. "WAIT, IS THAT THE PARK JIMIN?" the voice shouted, and Jimin's expression paled in recognition of his fame. Panic set in as he turned to Jiwoo. "Oh no, we need to run."

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