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Cleared Misunderstandings


"Why is everyone so quiet? C'mon, my dear guests, continue having fun; all's good," Jiwoo said, her voice cutting through the awkward silence like a ray of sunshine. She clapped her hands, urging the gathering to revive the once lively atmosphere. Reluctantly, the guests turned their attention back to their conversations, and the room gradually regained its vibrant energy.

Jiwoo felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and turned around, her pleasant surprise evident in her eyes. "Taehyung?" she asked, a warm smile spreading across her face.

Taehyung, his concern evident, met her gaze. "Hi, I saw what happened. Are you okay?" he inquired, genuine worry etched in his features. Jiwoo nodded reassuringly. "I'm totally fine. What are you doing here, though?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Taehyung's jaw dropped for a moment before he composed himself. "I'm a director, and I go by the name V. I don't usually make public appearances because it tends to complicate your life and restrict your freedom. I'm here because of you," he explained, his voice sincere and heartfelt.

Jiwoo's eyes widened as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. "You're V? The renowned and somewhat badass director? I've seen your work before, and it was incredible when Jimin worked with you. He always mentioned how the director looked like a model, and now I understand what he meant," Jiwoo gushed, admiration evident in her voice. She couldn't help but give Taehyung an appreciative once-over.

Taehyung accepted the compliment with a gracious smile. Dressed head to toe in Celine, he exuded an effortless charm that left Jiwoo momentarily awestruck. He wore a black t-shirt beneath a sleek black coat. His t-shirt tucked into his dark blue denim jeans which were secured with a Celine belt. He elevated his outfit with the addition of zipped conique boots featuring a striking metal toe, adding a stylish and distinctive flair. Simple yet undeniably stylish, his outfit complemented his jet-black hair perfectly. His bangs were styled into gentle waves, adding a touch of both cuteness and allure to his overall appearance.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Taehyung replied, his laughter resonating in the air as the two of them continued their conversation, the party around them once again alive with energy.

"Anyways, I hope you aren't dating Jin because my best friend is heartbroken right now," Taehyung remarked with a hint of concern in his voice. Jiwoo's smile faltered momentarily at the mention of Jin. "No," she quickly replied, her smile returning as she clarified, "I and Jin are best friends. I've come to realize he's more like a brother to me, and I really appreciate what he did for me."

As they discussed Jin, Jiwoo's fondness for her friend became evident. Her smile, though it had briefly wavered, now shone with warmth and affection when she spoke of him. 

However, her expression grew more solemn as she continued, "But as for Jungkook, I don't understand why he's heartbroken when he has a girlfriend." Her voice broke slightly on the last few words, revealing the turmoil beneath the surface.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and tilted his head. "Jungkook doesn't have a girlfriend, and he likes you," he informed Jiwoo, his words tinged with seriousness. "He's sitting at home sulking right now, thinking you haven't texted him because Jin is way more handsome."

Jiwoo couldn't help but laugh at the image of Jungkook sulking. "I saw him carrying his girlfriend on his back when I came back to get his number. I lost it when he gave it to me, and Jimin was about to murder me for not telling him before leaving," she recounted, her voice a mixture of amusement and wistfulness.

Taehyung blinked, piecing together the puzzle. He snorted at first and then burst into full-on laughter, leaving Jiwoo momentarily puzzled. "That was my fault; I accidentally..." Taehyung explained the entire misunderstanding to Jiwoo. The realization dawned on her, and she laughed in relief. Her laughter was so melodious that even Taehyung couldn't help but be awestruck by the sound.

A wide, joyful smile spread across Jiwoo's face, and she seemed to have forgotten the incident that had transpired just moments ago. "I seriously contemplated taking you away from Jungkook for a moment there," Taehyung admitted, a playful glint in his eye.

Jiwoo snorted, her playful spirit shining through. "Even Jin couldn't do that," she quipped, her smile radiant. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, his thoughts echoing, 'Jungkook chose the right one.'

"V, what a delightful surprise! I must admit, I didn't anticipate your presence at this star-studded soirée. It's an absolute pleasure to have you grace us with your company tonight," Namjoon greeted the duo warmly as he approached them. Taehyung offered Namjoon a thankful smile in return.

"I came because I needed to have a chat with Jiwoo here; we share a mutual friend and have become friends ourselves," Taehyung explained as he fist-bumped Jiwoo in a friendly gesture.

Namjoon, ever the shrewd businessman, wasted no time getting down to business. "Well then, why not consider casting her in one of your upcoming films?" he suggested with an intrigued glint in his eyes.

"Mr. CEO, I'm a model, remember?" Jiwoo playfully scolded Namjoon, giving him a playful punch on the arm.

"I'd be absolutely thrilled to work with Jiwoo," Taehyung responded with genuine enthusiasm. "I'll make sure to reach out as soon as I have a script that suits her." Namjoon seemed satisfied with this response. "Very well, enjoy the rest of the party. And Jiwoo, don't hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance," he reassured her before taking his leave.

"Your CEO genuinely cares about you; he even organized this party to dispel those rumors," Taehyung remarked, admiring the bond between Jiwoo and her CEO.

Jiwoo smiled sincerely. "Yes, I feel fortunate to be part of his company." She said. Switching gears, Jiwoo's excitement bubbled over. "Anyway, give me Jungkook's number; I can't wait to call him once I'm home," she exclaimed, her anticipation palpable. Taehyung mentally congratulated himself on his matchmaking skills.

As the night progressed, the party continued without a hitch. Towards the end, Namjoon and Hoseok took center stage to publicly address the ongoing dating rumors surrounding their actors. They assured the public that there was no romantic involvement and encouraged everyone to look forward to their future collaborations.

But the highlight of their announcement came when they revealed that Jin and Jimin were joining forces on a joint album, set to be released next month, leaving the crowd abuzz with excitement and anticipation.

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