Behind Closed Doors

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You and Bada had been dating in secret for a while, avoiding the prying eyes of the general public and the ever-vigilant media. She dropped her tough facade when you two were by yourselves and showed you her softer, more sensitive side.

Bada put her head on your shoulder one evening as you both relaxed on the couch in her cosy apartment. She had a long day of meetings and rehearsals, leaving her exhausted but happy.

"You know, I enjoy these peaceful moments with you," she said, her voice a far cry from the strong presence she portrayed on stage.

With a smile, you brushed your fingers through her hair. "I agree. It's similar to getting to know another part of yourself."

You adored the sound of Bada's sweet chuckle."Yes, I suppose I am a little bit of a chameleon. I'm tough and persistent on stage. But I can just be myself around you."

"Stop it , it makes it seem like you're in love with me" you said with a playful tone.
Bada looked at you with a small smile and said "maybe I do" and she kissed your forehead.

Your phone buzzed with a message from BEBE members as if by chance. They were brutally tormenting Bada in the group chat. The fact that their unnie acted differently around you was noticed by Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Minah, Cheche, and Sowoen.

Lusher: We just saw your most recent performance, Unnie. You were out there like a lioness!

Kyma: You did frighten us a little.

Tatter: But we know who the real Bada is... the softie at home.

Minah: Guys our unnie is in love 😻

Cheche: Don't be worried; we won't be telling the media!

Sowoen: Unnie, you're so lucky 😊

Exasperated in a lighthearted way, Bada rolled her eyes. "I find it hard to believe they are this way."

It was hard not to chuckle. "You know they love you. They can also see how happy you are."

With a gentle smile tugging at her lips, Bada nodded. "They're like family, yeah. But on top of that, you are my heart."

You leaned in and tenderly kissed her lips. Moments like these enhanced the worth of your hidden relationship. You were the one who got to view all the vivid colours that the fiery choreographer, Bada Lee, had to offer.

You hugged her close as the darkness fell and enjoyed the calm intimacy that was all yours. Although Bada Lee was a celebrity in the eyes of the outside world, all you needed her to be in your arms was your Bada.

Bada  Lee One shots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin