A Heartbreaking Decision

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The sterile hospital room seemed to be suffocating, its cold, white walls reflecting the hopelessness that hung heavy in the air. You were an optimistic person once, but now you lay still, attached to a complex web of machines and tubes. A cruel twist of fate left you unconscious and unable to move and Bada could do nothing but watch, her heart aching with desperation.

The agonising condition got much worse by the strict hospital regulations. Bada begged the medical staff from where she was standing, just outside the room, her face twisted in agony. She had supported you through everything and had loved you with all her heart, but she wasn't regarded as family. The barriers of regulations and bureaucracy seemed impossible.

Your parents were thinking the terrible decision that hovered over your life as they stood inside the room, overwhelmed with sorrow and tiredness. There had been no sign of progress for several weeks. The financial strain and emotional pain were becoming unbearable for your family, and the idea of letting you go had become practically unavoidable.

From where she was standing outside the room, Bada overheard their serious conversation, and her heart fell with every word she heard. She was aware that your family had made the decision to turn off your life support. She couldn't stand the idea of losing you in such a way, and her choice was the result of unimaginable suffering. She couldn't bring herself to allow your family to make such a terrible decision without her.

Without hesitation, Bada interfered to resolve the situation. She discreetly closed the door from inside the room as she silently entered. She was unable to watch while your family prepared to send you away. She had to stand by your side, hold your hand, and indicate her presence to you,no matter what.

As she examined your lifeless body on the bed, Bada's hands shook. She was aware that her actions could have terrible consequences, but she was prepared to accept them all in order to be with you. She had to think that there was a chance that you might still recover.

Bada gently and nervously reached out to touch your face when she was seated at your bedside. Her voice cracked with emotion as she uttered loving and uplifting words while wiping tears from her eyes. She expressed her love for you and how she couldn't bear to lose you. You were her whole world.

Outside the room, chaos began. Your family and the medical staff demanded to break through the barricaded door, shouting for Bada to come out. The sound of pounding and shouting filled the corridor, but Bada refused. She had made up her mind to be with you for as long as she could.

The situation worsened as a result of Bada's choice to barricade the door and stay with you at the hospital. When your family had taken the difficult decision to remove your life support, it led to in a tense confrontation, but she was determined to be by your side.

As the medical staff and your parents burst into the room, Bada stood stubbornly, her grip on your hand unwavering. She met your parents' eyes as they flooded with shock and pain at her bold refusal.

Your father yelled, "Get out of here, Bada," his voice a mix of desperation and rage. "You have no right to interfere with our decision."

Your mother begged Bada, "Please, Bada, we're doing what's best for her," as tears flowed down her face. "You need to understand."

But Bada's determination remained unbroken. "I can't just stand by and watch you take this step without me," she replied. "I love Y/N, and I won't leave her side."

Your parents and Bada got into a heated disagreement, which raised the tension in the room. The medical team made an effort to step in, but it was challenging to restore order due to the intense emotional nature of the incident.

Your father roared, his voice quivering with fury, "You have no say in this. "We are her parents, and we have the right to make this decision."

Bada's voice cracked as she responded, "I know you're her parents, but I love her. I need to be here with her, to let her know she not alone."

Your mother pleaded for help one final time, her face etched with agony. "Bada, we appreciate your love for our daughter, but this is our decision to make."

As the argument carried on with neither side wanting to accept, tensions reached a breaking point. Your parents were compelled to carry out their decision as the medical team insisted in trying to turn off the life support.

Bada's voice quivered as she whispered to you, "I love you, and I'm here with you.And I promise in another life we will be together" Her eyes remained locked with yours as she leaned in to kiss your forehead. She then hesitantly released your hand, allowing the medical staff to proceed with their duties.

As the machines were disconnected, and the room fell into silence, Bada watched in suffering.  Your parents clutched each other close as their faces were scarred with suffering.

The choice had been made, but Bada and your parents' disagreements and enmity would remain forever as a reminder of the painful decisions they had been forced to make. Your parents' enormous grief and sense of duty had ultimately come into disagreement with Bada's firm love and resolve, causing scars that would take a long time for them to heal.

Bada  Lee One shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora