Starlit Serenity

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Thank you to anonymous for requesting and I hope they like it.

Word count: 1.7K
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The story of you and Bada was an adventure filled with serendipity and joy, unfolding on the bustling streets of Seoul. It all started with a strange interview you were doing with several dance teams in order to capture the dynamic essence of the city's underground dance scene. Bada's group, called "Bebe," captivated you not only with their excellent dancing but also with their contagious spirit.

After a thrilling performance, you found yourself absorbed in conversation with the crew members one fateful evening. Among them was Bada, whose eyes sparkled with a blend of passion and humor. Her vibrant personality drew you in, and the casual interview transformed into a lively exchange of stories and laughter.

As the night proceeded, Bada told stories of her misadventures and spontaneous excursions, captivating you with her passion for life. The more you learned about her, the more you realized that beneath her confident exterior was a soul that resonated with your own quirks and unique characteristics.

Days turned into weeks, and chance encounters morphed into planned meetings. Soon, you found yourself caught in the whirlwind of Bada's infectious laughter and the magnetic pull of her presence. Your common sense of humour became the foundation of your bond, turning everyday moments into remarkable ones.

After a particularly difficult interview, Bada suggested an unexpected stroll through Seoul's packed street markets. Bada pulled you into a spontaneous dance, converting the crowded street into your own private stage, as you walked the bustling passageways, eating street cuisine and revelling in the bright mayhem.

The bond grew stronger as you discovered common interests and complimentary eccentricities. Bada's enthusiasm for life properly balanced your more reserved personality. Friends were envious of your and her chemistry, and it was evident that something remarkable was in the works.

The turning point came during a little getaway Bada took you one weekend. The beautiful golden beach that meets the endless blue sea under a sky that shifts from dawn's soft colors to the brilliance of sunset provide the backdrop for a succession of wonderful moments. A mixture of apprehension and excitement permeated the air as you and Bada sat on a large boulder viewing the gorgeous scenery on a starlit night.

"I have something to confess," Bada said, a sly grin on her face. "I've been wanting to do this for a while."

Bada leaned in, grasping your lips in a lovely and unexpected kiss, before you could register her words. As the warmth of the moment wrapped you both, the world appeared to pause. The kiss was a beautiful balance of warmth and humour, leaving you surprised and delighted.

As you pulled away, Bada couldn't help but burst into laughter. "I've been planning that for days, and it was even better than I imagined!"

The two of you laughed together, the shared moment deepening the connection between you.
From that point on, your relationship with Bada took on a new and exciting dimension. The kiss became a cherished memory, a moment that added a delightful chapter to your love story.

And so, the laughter-filled journey of you and Bada continued, painted with the hues of shared adventures, spontaneous kisses, and the enduring camaraderie of your extraordinary friends. Each day brought a new opportunity for humor and affection, making your story a delightful tapestry woven with threads of love and joy.

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