Whispers of Unspoken Love

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Bada had kept her emotions in check day after day, year after year, hiding the love that was growing like a buried treasure within her heart. She had noticed, supported, and cared for you, but her love remained unspoken, buried beneath layers of unsaid words and unshared experiences. It was a secret love, one she felt she could keep concealed for the rest of her life.

However, life had other plans.

Bada's memory of you would be forever engraved on the day you passed away. The sky had been grey, heavy with the weight of nearing rain, and the air had been thick with her sadness. It was an accident, a cruel twist of fate that had took you far too soon from her. Bada had rushed to the hospital, her heart racing, but it was too late. Her life had been ruined by the news of your death, leaving her with a pain that nothing could fill.

Bada couldn't help but point her fingers at herself. She had always loved you, but she had never had confidence to admit it. She imagined there would be more time, more days, more years, to tell you how much she loved you. But now, with you gone, she realized that time was a precious gift that should never be taken for granted.

Bada struggled to cope with her loss in the days that followed. She paid frequent visits to your tomb, speaking to you as if you could hear her from beyond the veil of death. She'd stand beside your gravestone, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, and speak her most intimate thoughts to you.

Bada's days became a series of routines, filled with memories of you. She'd go back to places where you'd spent time with, trying to bring back the memories that meant so much to her. She would sit at the park bench where you had shared your deepest dreams, and she would close her eyes, imagining your presence beside her.

She recognised a familiar face sitting alone at a corner table one day while visiting your favourite café. It was Lusher, a friend you'd introduced her to, someone who'd known you for a long time. Lusher had been severely impacted by your death, and Bada had always had the impression that they were grieving together.

Bada smiled as she approached Lusher. "It's been a while, Lusher. "How have you been doing?"

Lusher raised her head, her eyes reflecting her pain. "Bada, I really miss Y/N. It's been difficult, but I'm doing my best."

Bada nodded, realising the extent of their mutual loss. "I, too, miss Y/N. It's been difficult, but I'm thankful for the time we spent together."

Lusher's eyes were filled with pain and understanding. "You were important to Y/N, Bada." You meant everything to her."

Bada's heart bled knowing she'd never told you her actual feelings. "Lusher, I have something to tell you. I was in love with Y/N, but I never had the courage to tell her.

Lusher's eyes widened, and she reached out to hold Bada's hand. "Bada, you don't know how much Y/N cared for you. I saw it in her eyes every time she talked about you. She loved you deeply."

Tears welled up in Bada's eyes, and she couldn't hold back the sorrow that had been hidden for so long. "I wish I had told Y/N how I felt. I wish I had the chance to be with them, to love them openly."

Lusher squeezed Bada's hand, making her feel better. "It's never too late, Bada, for you to show your love." Even if Y/N are no longer with you, your memory lives on in your heart. You can still share your feelings with her."

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