Silent Longing

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The well-known female CEO , Bada Lee ran her own empire in the centre of busy Seoul. She was a powerful woman who attracted respect and awe in the corporate world.  However, there was an unspoken truth within her company's polished professionalism and dazzling glass walls—a secret that silently tore at the heart of one of her employees, you.

Years prior, you had joined Bada's business, attracted not just by the idea of an excellent future but also by the magnetic pull of your mysterious boss.  Bada was a powerful figure, a woman of keen intelligence and firm free will.  You highly regarded her because of her inspirational confidence and ambition.

Over time, your respect developed into a more deeper feelings of affection that was both thrilling and agonising. Every snatched glimpse and casual conversation that left you craving more while you observed her from a distance caused your heart to ache.

You saw her in the boardroom, during conferences, or at company functions, captivated by the elegance with which she handled every situation.  You were as taken aback by her business expertise as you were by her consideration for and care to her staff. You were drawn to her even more since she was a compassionate leader.

Your unspoken confessions—notes and letters that you wrote but never had the courage to send—were written and kept in your office walls. They were kept in a drawer, a hidden cache of your hidden feelings.  Knowing your genuine feelings would put your career, reputation, and perhaps even your friendship with Bada in danger.

Bada called you into her office one evening as the sun was setting behind the urban skyline. Despite the fact that it was a normal meeting, this time her gaze implied vulnerability. She had always been your mentor, helping you navigate the complex business world, and you had grown to be an integral member of her team.

She looked into your eyes, "Sit down, [Your Name]," she said. "I need to talk about something important."

Your heart was racing when you sat down. "Of course, Ms Lee. what is it."

With her fingers spread out in front of her, Bada leaned forward. "I've been given a job overseas, a new project that might expand the global reach of our business. Although it's a fantastic opportunity, doing so would require leaving this office and this city.

Your world began to spin out of control, and you felt a knot growing in your chest. If Bada left, you wouldn't be able to continue to be in touch with her, see her every day, and cherish the secret moments that had kept your love alive.

She continued, with a sentimental tone in her voice. "[Your Name] at first I wanted to discuss it with you. I highly value your viewpoint because you have been a vital part of this team."

Your voice trembled as you replied while you were trying to keep your composure. "Bada, I think you should take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.  With your direction, our business will only get stronger."

Normally so cool-headed, Bada's eyes sparkled with tears that she fought shedding. I appreciate it, [Your Name]. Your help meant everything to me."

That evening, as you left her office, you couldn't help but wonder whether this was an unexpected turn of events that would allow you to finally let go of your secret longing. But you knew deep down that no amount of separation was going to quench the love you had for Bada Lee, your bright but unreachable CEO.

Weeks went on into days as Bada's leaving time approached. The office was busy getting ready for her transition, but as each second passed, your heart became heavier. You couldn't escape the idea that something priceless was vanishing, something you never truly had but had treasured in your heart's hidden depths.

You were working late one night at your office when Bada sent you a message. "Meet me in my office, [Your Name]," it said. I had to say something before I leave."

As you walked to her office, your heart was pounding. She was there, seated behind her desk, her face serious but persistent.

She started the conversation, her voice filled with sorrow.  "I want you to know that choosing to leave this firm and this city was perhaps the hardest ones I've ever had to make. I also have another thing to say that I've been meaning to do for a while."

As you waited for her to speak, your heart was racing with suspense. Your breath captured in your throat.

Bada gazed into your eyes while regret filled her own eyes. "I am aware of your feelings. [Your Name]. I have seen the letters and messages, and I can see the hidden love in your eyes."

The weight of your unrequited love weighed thick in the air, causing tears to fill up in your eyes.

"I never wanted to put you in a tough situation, and I respected our working relationship too much to let my emotions get in the way,"she said.

Your voice was barely audible when you nodded. "I get it, Bada,"

Your hand was taken by Bada when she extended her arm. "You are an amazing person, [Your Name], yet I can't go without telling you this. You've been a source of support, my confidante, and my most trusted advice.  More than words can say, I'll miss you."

You were helpless to hold back your tears any longer as they began to flow. "I will also miss you, Bada. More than you could imagine."

She leaned in, and for a brief, secret moment, her lips touched yours, giving you a taste of what was meant to be but was never to be.

Your heart ached as you pulled away, but a sense of closure overtook you. You were displaying your soul, and Bada had shown her love for you. Although it was an unattainable love, it had changed you, made you stronger, and given you the confidence to face the unknowable.

You eventually saw Bada go as her body disappeared inside the airport terminal. Your heart continued to hurt, but it served as a memory of a love that had shone brightly despite the silence of your unspoken need.

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