Whispers in the Dark

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*Please let me know what you all think because the first part was the actual plot and then I went off track,so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense.*

Your girlfriend Bada tapped your shoulder just as you were going to fall asleep. You hum and turn to face her, asking what she needs. She turns her head to the side and asks, "Where's my goodnight kiss?" as she patiently waits for your kiss.

You just leaned in, and just about you were about to kiss her cheek, she quickly turns her head and kisses your lips. You were taken by surprise, but the sensation was something you welcomed with open arms. Her lips were warm, kissable, and full of affection. It was a kiss that lingered and made your heart race.

When you finally broke apart, Bada had a satisfied grin on her face. She teasingly said, "You should expect the unexpected from me."

You rolled your eyes and laughed in the dark room. "I should have known better."

She pressed herself closer to you, her head resting on your chest as she played with a stray lock of hair. "You love the unpredictable, admit it."

You grinned and glanced down at her. "I do, actually. You keep life interesting."

Bada chuckled softly, her eyes reflecting the twinkle of the dimmed bedroom. "I try my best."

She most definitely did. You two had been in a committed relationship for a for a while, and one of the things that drew you to Bada was her spontaneity. She consistently managed to maintain the romantic atmosphere through her affectionate gestures and unexpected surprises.

As you lay there, the conversation shifted to your plans for the future. Bada said about how excited she was to take on new challenges and her planned dancing projects.  She had achieved significant achievements in the dancing industry because to her talent and dedication, so as always you listened to her with admiration.

You murmured, "You're going to shine, Bada," while your fingers made abstract designs on her arm. "I have no doubt that the world will recognise your talent."

Bada tilted her head, her eyes searching yours. "You really believe in me, don't you?"

You nodded with a sincerity that came from the depths of your heart. "I believe in you more than anything in this world. You're the most incredible person I know."

Bada softened her gaze and planted a lovely kiss right above your heart on your chest. "I love you, Y/N."

You answered, "I love you too, Bada," your words expressing how you truly felt. With time, the love became stronger and more profound, enduring the highs and lows of life and promising many more blissful moments spent together.

With your shared dreams and the bond that held you close, sleep eventually seized you both, wrapping you in its gentle embrace. The ceiling fan whispered its lullaby while the city beyond resumed its gentle melody. You discovered the warmth and comfort that only genuine love could give in each other's arms.

In the silence of the darkened room, as the night wore on, you and Bada were dreaming together, your hearts linked. Your love was something that time and space could not contain; the world could wait. Like the night sky, it was boundless and full of the possibility of many stars still to emerge.

The following days were filled with schedules and responsibilities. With grace and love, you and Bada balanced life and work. You two had agreed to keep your relationship a secret from the outside world, at least for the time being.

One evening, while you were preparing to go out to dinner, one of Bada's crew members, Lusher, texted you. She wanted to talk to you about something before the evening. After you gave your approval, you headed to the local café.

Lusher was standing there waiting for you when you got there, looking serious. You gave her a hug and a kind smile. "Lusher, it's been a while. What's up?"

Lusher glanced around the café to make sure nobody was listening in. "I need to talk to you about Bada unnie."

Your pulse skipped a beat as worry began to seep into your consciousness. "Is something wrong?"

Lusher inhaled deeply. "I've been aware of you and Bada unnie for some time. All of us have."

Your eyes grew wide as a wave of relief and worry washed over you. "You're aware? How? "

Lusher gave a soft smile. "Y/N unnie, we're a tight-knit group. We noticed Bada unnie's gaze on you, her bright smile upon the moment you arrived, and the way her eyes brightened with the sight of you.  It wasn't hard to figure out."

You sighed, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I'm glad you're okay with it."

Lusher gave a nod. "We care about Bada unnie's happiness. We have seen how important you are to her. She has never been happier, and you are the reason for that."

Your eyes filled with tears as a result of Lusher's comments. "I'm thankful Lusher. To me, that means everything."

Lusher gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We've got your back. Bada unnie deserves to be with someone who makes her happy."

You thanked Lusher once again and exchanged a few more stories about Bada's quirks and habits. You realized that Bada's crew had not just accepted your relationship but had been silently supportive all along.

As the days turned into weeks, your relationship with Bada deepened. You two continued to love each other very much, made more treasured moments, and dreamed together. It didn't matter if no one else knew about your relationship. The love you shared, the limitless opportunities that were ahead, and the many stars that twinkled in the night sky of your dreams were what mattered.

Bada  Lee One shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz