Backstage Whispers and Online Speculation

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The vibrant energy of a concert venue was buzzing around you as you sat backstage, waiting for your cue to take the stage. The enthusiasm was obvious as it was an important night in your world tour.

Bada was sitting next to you, offering comfort in the midst of the nerves from the show. She was perfectly aware of what to say and do to ease your anxiety. She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and gave you a soft squeeze while smiling reassuringly.

"You've got this, Darling," said Bada. The crowd out there is going to love you."

Leaning into her warm hug, you felt the need to let your guard down a little. Her signature fragrance, a blend of her favourite perfume, engulfed you as you felt her breath on your neck. It was a scent that felt like home.

One of your staff members recorded a little behind-the-scenes video for your YouTube channel while the backstage workers worked quickly to finish getting everything ready for your big arrival. Your sudden moment with Bada was caught on camera, however it was a little blurred because of how quickly it was done.

@Y/N_Addicts: "Who's that beside Y/N?"
@_Fanatic_Y/N: Is that a secret guest?!🤔
@Wife-of-Y/N: I can't see clearly, but they look close!
@Y/N_Heartbeat: Maybe it's Y/N's new duet partner?☺️
@Y/N-damn: This is killing me! I need answers!🙃🫣

You chuckled, your voice warm and affectionate as you chatted with Bada off-camera. The lighthearted conversation was an indication to your closeness.

Bada said, "Darling, let them guess.  It's a lot of fun to see them try and figure out."

You nodded in agreement, enjoying this intimate moment before stepping into the the spotlight.  With her arm around you, Bada provided a comforting hold in the middle  of the online storm.

Once the video was uploaded to your YouTube account, fans couldn't help but try to identify the "mystery person" in the clip. Some eagle-eyed fans pointed out the cap Bada was wearing, fueling speculation that it might indeed be her.

@Bada_Lovers: "That cap looks like Bada's!"😆😮
@BadaAndY/N_Lovers: "Is it Bada? It has to be!"😉
@BadaY/n_Forever: "Y/N and Bada are so close, I bet it's her!"🤭
@BadaAdmirers:Guys relax,it could be them but everyone knows they are very good friends.😑

Fans searched through every frame looking for hints, turning the comments area into a war zone of speculations and hypotheses.  You and Bada, nevertheless, took enjoyment in the mystery you unintentionally created amidst the chaos.

The rumours in the comments section intensified as the performance started and you dazzled the audience. They had no idea that Bada, your confidante and love, was there to support you no matter what as you performed on stage.

@Bada_HypeSquad: "I can't believe it might be Bada!"🥹🥹
@Y/NBada_Supporters: "If it is, they're so cute together!"🙌

Even though they were uncertain about the mystery alongside you, your supporters couldn't help but wish for your happiness despite all the commotion and discussions.

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