Open Scars

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You had taken off your shirt leaving you in a sports bra because it was a beautiful summer evening, and while you relaxed on the porch of your cosy house, a gentle breeze caressing your skin. The sound of Bada's footsteps interrupted the peace of the moment as she walked over bringing a tray of iced tea for the two of you. She had a sweet habit of catching you off guard with tiny surprises like these, which always made you feel loved and valued.

Her breath caught in her throat as she placed the tray on the table between you and noticed your bare skin. She wasn't surprised by the sight of your chest; it was the scars that covered your body. They were usually concealed by the folds of your clothing, so they weren't immediately noticeable, but now that they were out in the open, they were telling a story that Bada hadn't been aware of up until this point.

Bada had always been the kind of person who wore her heart on her sleeve, and her emotions played throughout her face like a canvas. Her eyes showed her surprise, her curiosity, and her concern in that instant, all fused into a single stare. She wasn't trying to be nosy, but her stare lingered as she wanted to understand why your skin had been ruined by scars.

You glanced up from the book you were reading when you felt her attention on you, looking into Bada's eyes. She instantly averted her look as her cheeks flushed with shame and she began to feel uneasy. She felt intrusive since she had been exposed for her snooping.

However, the things that had initially attracted Bada to you were your viewpoint and empathy. You gave a gentle smile and had eyes that were full of understanding. You reassured her, your voice soft and soothing, "It's okay." "You can ask if you want to."

Bada paused, fidgeting anxiously with the hem of her shirt. Finally, she said, "I'm sorry," with genuine regret in her voice. "I didn't mean to disturb or make you uncomfortable."

Your grin was kind and forgiving as you shook your head. You told her, "No need to apologise, Bada. "These scars don't really hurt anymore," you said.

Her relief was evident, but it was tinged with guilt. She had always taken great pride in supporting you and serving as your rock, but she had overlooked this time in your life. She was only now beginning to fully understand the story of pain and perseverance that these scars told.

Bada started out by saying, "I just wish," in a quiet, regretful voice, "I wish I could have been there for you when you needed someone."

Your fingers slowly interlaced with hers as you gently touched her hand. You murmured, "You are here now," your eyes meeting hers. "And that means more to me than you can ever imagine."

Bada's eyes welled up with tears as she realised that despite your scars, you trusted her enough to share this part of yourself. She was aware that significant emotional wounds also needed to be healed in addition to the physical scars. She made a secret promise to be a comfort and a support for you as you sat there, to help in your healing in whatever way you needed.

The subconscious promise of understanding and acceptance formed an attachment between you two that was stronger than any scars could ever be as you two sat there on the porch, hand in hand. You both understood that you were exactly where you belonged because your love for one another overcame any physical flaws.

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