Unveiling Our Love

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Requested by anonymous and I hope they like it.

Word Count:1.5k

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In the bustling halls of SM Entertainment, where creativity danced freely and music resonated through the corridors, our paths intertwined in a world of choreography and artistic fervor.

It all started on a hectic day, when the studios were buzzing with nearing performances and artists refining their skill. Your gazes clashed across the dance floor amid the choreographic chaos.

Bada smiled warmly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Hey there! I've seen you around. Your routines are pretty cool."

You felt a rush of excitement as you grinned. "Thanks! Your work is also impressive. "I've always admired your sense of style."

As a result, the seeds of a relationship were sown. Days turned into evenings spent at cafes, exchanging experiences ranging from dance mistakes to embarrassing childhood stories.

"Do you remember the time I tried to pull off that complicated move and ended up flat on my face?" Bada giggled and her laughter filled the little cafe.

"How could I forget? It was a classic!" You joined in, recalling a similar misadventure of your own, resulting in a spontaneous dance-off that left the onlookers amused.

The intimacy between you grew stronger as the days melted into shared rehearsals and impromptu performances. Bada decided to grasp the opportunity during a particularly rowdy practise session.

"Hey, so I've been meaning to ask you something." Bada's voice was slightly hesitant, and her eyes sparkled with delight.

"Shoot, what's up?" You responded, intrigued by her abrupt change in demeanour.

She took a deep breath, a flush spreading across her cheeks. "Would you like to go out with me?" Like, on a date?"

Your lips twitched as you noticed her trying to mask her nervousness. "I'd love to! But you've got to ask me properly."

Bada blinked in surprise before breaking into laughter. "Properly? Alright, brace yourself. Ahem, would you, oh great and talented dancer Y/N, grant me the honor of accompanying you on a date? Please?"

You chuckled, feigning contemplation. "Hmm, that's not bad. You've got potential, but I'll need more charm."

With an exaggerated flourish, Bada cleared her throat. "My dearest ,loveliest dancer in SM ,would you consider gracing this humble dancer with your company on a magical date filled with laughter, dancing, and possibly some cake?"

"Perfect," you declared, laughing as she pumped her fist in victory.

So your first real date unfolded in a rush of laughing and sentimental chats, laced with tales of dance disasters and shared music love.

"Do you remember that time I tripped over my own feet during that big performance?" You smiled, telling the story with a humorous twinkle in your eyes.

Bada laughed. "Yes! And then, because I was laughing so hard backstage, I almost missed my cue."

The evening became a tapestry of shared laughing, amusing anecdotes, and increasing acceptance of one other's variances.  Tender glances were exchanged among the stories, a silent promise of something more lingering between you.

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