Ignited Passion

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Firstly I want to say this is my first time writing like a smut story so please do let me know how it goes and secondly this is not meant to reflect bada's actual character.

A/n: - Bada having the portrayal of possessiveness and jealousy.
- I don't know what else really.

Word count: 0.959

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When you and Bada first crossed paths, igniting a connection that would eventually lead to your passionate and possessive relationship.

You both met in the most unexpected of places, at a coffee shop on a quiet street. You were reading a book, entirely engrossed in its pages, when Bada entered, her presence dominating attention.

Her vibrant energy and alluring aura quickly drew me in. You struck up a conversation about literature, sharing your favourite authors and discussing the power of storytelling. It was at that point that you recognised you had a profound connection, a meeting of minds that went beyond the bounds of mere acquaintances.

Your friendship grew stronger as you spent more time together. You two toured the city together, uncovering hidden jewels and sharing common interests. Bada's daring energy and boldness drew you in, and you found yourself falling more and deeper under her spell with each passing day.

It didn't take long for the friendship to develop into anything more. You two had an undeniable chemistry, an irresistible fascination that drew you closer with each stolen glance and lingering touch. You couldn't ignore the developing connection between you two, and it was only a matter of time before you both surrendered to its draw.

There was a fire in Bada's eyes in those early days, a possessiveness that hinted at the strength of her desires. She made it apparent that she loved only you. Her jealousy, though not toxic, was a reflection of her commitment and the depth of her feelings.

However, as the relationship progressed, Bada's possessiveness morphed into a compassionate protectiveness. She became your confidante, your rock, and the strong protector of your love. She would always hug you close, murmuring promises of commitment and reassurance in your ear, making sure you knew you were loved and appreciated.

And so, as you found yourselves in that secluded corner of the club, the culmination of your journey unfolded.

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You gasp as Bada's hand tightens around your throat, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through me. The dominance she exudes sends a surge of arousal straight to your core. Her thumb glides over your bottom lip, teasing and taunting, as her other hand cups your core through your skirt, exerting a harsh grip that makes your whimper.

Your breath catches in your throat as Bada's possessive words wash over you. "This is mine," she asserts, her voice dripping with possessiveness. The weight of her claim hangs heavy in the air, and you can't deny the intoxicating allure of being completely under her control.

Desire pools between your legs as Bada's hand remains firmly on your core, exerting pressure that both pleases and torments me. You bite your lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatens to escape, but the pleasure is too overwhelming.

Her eyes lock with yours, a dangerous and possessive glint shining in her gaze.
"Everything about you is fucking mine," she growls, her grip tightening possessively. The possessiveness in her voice sends a shiver down your spine, fueling the fire of desire within you.

Your body trembles under her touch, consumed by her dominance. You surrender myself to her completely, craving the pleasure that only she can provide. "Yes, Bada," you breathe, your voice filled with submission. "I'm yours."

A wicked smile graces her lips as she releases her hold on your throat, her hand sliding down to grip your waist possessively. She pulls you closer, both of your bodies pressed tightly together.

The intensity of her touch sparks a wildfire within you, and you can't help but surrender to the hunger that courses through your veins.
Your mouths collide in a fierce, possessive kiss, tongues dancing and battling for dominance. You moan into her mouth as her hands roam your body, tracing every curve, every sensitive spot.

She guides you towards a secluded corner of the club, eager to claim you away from prying eyes.
Against the wall, Bada presses herself against you, her body molding perfectly to yours. Her hands venture beneath your skirt, teasingly grazing your inner thighs. You whimper in anticipation as her fingers slip beneath your panties, delving into your wetness with skillful precision.

"Mine," she growls, her voice laced with desire.
"You belong to me, every inch of you." You nod, unable to form words as the pleasure builds within you. Bada's fingers move expertly, sending waves of ecstasy crashing through your body. You cling to her, your nails digging into her back as your hips grind against her hand, seeking more.

She smirks, reveling in the power she holds over you. Her movements become faster and more demanding, driving you closer to the edge. You can feel the coil of pleasure tightening, ready to explode.
As the waves of ecstasy wash over you, cry out her name, your body convulsing in pleasure.

Bada watches you, her eyes filled with satisfaction as she brings you to the brink and beyond. Your body trembles in the aftershocks of your release, completely at her mercy.

Bada withdraws her hand, leaving you aching and wanting more. She gazes at you, a possessive glimmer in her eyes. "Remember, you are mine," she whispers, her voice filled ready to explode.
As the waves of ecstasy wash over you, you cry out her name, your body convulsing in pleasure.

The selfishness of her desire both frightens and excites you, leaving you to crave more of her dominance. "Yes, Bada," you reply,  your voice filled with submission. "I am yours, completely and utterly."

She smirks, satisfied with the power she holds over you. "Good," she purrs, before pulling you into another searing kiss, ready to continue your exploration of pleasure and possession.

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