The Lovebirds' Audience

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You and Bada's relationship had always been the talk of your very close group of friends. Whenever they were around each other, you and your friends, including Bada herself, couldn't help but become their unofficial narrators.

"Oh, there they are again, smiling and giving each other sly looks," Lusher said. "It's like watching a K-drama, for real."

Kyma: "Just look at how Bada leans in closer, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her—"

Tatter: "Girl, we know. They're in love. But do they have to be so disgustingly adorable about it?"

"I, for one, am living for this love story," said Minah. "It is like seeing a fairy tale come to real life."

Cheche: "I don't blame them at all. Y/N unnis has that effect on people. Look at Bada's face right now, for example."

"Bada unnie's face is practically glowing," says Sowoen. "It's like she's found the missing piece of her puzzle."

As You and Bada spent time together, they couldn't resist but chime in more with commentary:

"The way they steal little touches when they think no one is looking," said the Lusher. Classic."

Kyma said, "I've never seen Bada Unnie whipped like this before."

Tatter: "Remember when we used to call her the group's 'unnie'? Look at her now, she's more baby than anything else."

Minah: "They complete each other, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly."

Cheche: "They're like the power couple we never knew we needed."

"Their love story is one for the ages," Sowoen said. "I hope they realize how lucky they are to have found each other."

However, while the girls continued to narrate the love lives, Bada and you were alone, speaking in whispers and exchanging tender glances:

A stray hair was carefully tucked behind your ear by Bada as she leaned forward. Your laughing filled the room, and when your hands came together, your fingers intertwined as if they spoke different languages.

With a warm smile, you made patterns on Bada's palm as your eyes met in a quiet exchange that told of an infinite love.

"They're currently talking in silence," says Sowoen. I can't with these two."

The girls were joking around, but Bada and you found comfort in each other's company. You two were an example of an unimaginable love, a relationship that extended outside of the boundaries of their busy lives.

** "Okay, but seriously, do they even notice we're here?" questioned Lusher.

Minah said, "I don't believe so. They're in their own little world."

Bada couldn't help but be moved with appreciation as the other girls proceeded to jokingly recount their love story. The love they had found in each other meant more than how often they had been teased.


You and youths girls burst into laughter, their teasing momentarily paused as you enjoyed the light-hearted moment. You and Bada exchanged knowing looks as a way of recognising your special bond.

In the end, Yours and Bada's love story continued to unfold, with the girls serving as both narrators and enthusiastic cheerleaders. Even though You and Bada were the target of funny taunts, you guys wouldn't have it any other way. After all, the girls were there to witness all of the delightfully charming moments of a love story.

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