The Kiss Cam

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Fans cheered, waved banners, and were completely absorbed in the exciting game taking place on the court, creating an electric atmosphere in the basketball arena. You and Bada were fascinated by the excitement and enthusiastically followed the action. Little did you realise that an unexpected moment was coming to steal the show as you were enjoying the game.

"Kiss Cam!" flashed on the enormous screens above the court. You two exchanged an amused look as the crowd's focus turned from the game to the screen. You weren't expecting to be seen on the kiss cam.

However as the camera moved through the crowd, it came to land on Bada and you. The moment the both of you appeared on the screen, Bada's face turned a shade of crimson, and she instinctively pulled her hood over her head in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

To the amusement of the viewers, you mockingly shook your head and made an exaggerated "no" gesture. The crowd, who was hoping to see a kiss, began to boo loudly at this.

The kiss cam, unaffected by your refusal, made a return appearance a few minutes later. This time, Bada appeared even more agitated, with cheeks that shone like ripe tomatoes. You once more answered emphatically "no," which provoked further boos from the crowd.

Throughout the entire game, the kiss cam kept returning to you and Bada in the same cycle. Much to the audience's annoyance, you both stuck to your refusals. The crowd grew impatient as they wanted to witness a tender exchange between the two of you.

Bada had had enough when the kiss cam reappeared one more time. She lost her patience after one more round of screams from the audience and camera. She yelled out in a fit of rage, "OH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" To everyone's surprise, she grabbed you by the collar and gave you a passionate kiss.

Thrilled to finally see the kiss they had been anticipating, the audience cheered and applauded. In one spectacular moment, Bada had not only taken them by surprise but also taken the centre of attention.

On the other hand, you were unable to understand what had just happened and sat there in quiet for about thirty minutes. You continued to look forward while occasionally blinking in complete disbelief.

Finally, you managed to speak up, breaking the silence. As you tried to grasp the sudden turn of events, you murmured, "I wonder why the camera kept coming back to us."

Bada shrugged her shoulders and resumed watching the game with a casual air as if nothing had happened. She smiled and said, "Who knows"

The game went on, but you were still recovering from the surprise of Bada's remark. You didn't look to her until halftime, still confused.

You muttered, "Bada, that was... unexpected," as you struggled to find the right words to express your emotions.

Shaking her head, Bada laughed. She said, "I couldn't take it anymore. "The audience became irritable, and the camera just wouldn't leave us alone. Why not give them what they want, I thought?"

Understanding her perspective, you grinned. "Well, you certainly made a lasting impression."

Bada leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. "Anything to keep the crowd entertained."

You both relaxed back into enjoying the game as the second half of the game began, pleased that the attention had turned away from you. The tension caused by the unexpected kiss had subsided, and the arena was buzzing with excitement.

The joyful audience rushed out of the arena as the game ended with a spectacular victory for the team.  You and Bada joined the crowd of people while still grinning at the game's spectacular event.

You couldn't help but be appreciative of Bada's boldness and how she had made an uncomfortable situations into a special one as you strolled hand in hand. Bada's bold move not only pleased the crowd but also strengthened your bond by bringing back the impulsiveness and good times that made the two of you unique.

You leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You know, I love the way you surprised everyone today."

Bada looked at you with a mischievous glint in her eye. She smiled jokingly and said, "Well, you can always count on me to keep things interesting."

With a smile and a kiss on the lips, you expressed your appreciation to Bada for the love and excitement she had brought into your life. You felt a closer bond with the woman who never stopped to amaze you with her flurry and adventurous attitude as the two of you continued to walk hand in hand.

As you left the arena, out of the corner of your eye you noticed a familiar face lurking nearby. Tatter, your close friend and committed basketball fan, had been at the game as well. You saw her approached a guy with a smirk and handed a hundred-dollar bill to a nearby cameraman.

"Thank you, my good sir," Tatter said with a sly grin, acknowledging the amusement you and Bada had provided him with. The unexpected turn of events undoubtedly amused him, and she was more than happy to thank the cameraman for his persistence.

You chuckled and shook your head in appreciation for Tatter and other friends who never failed to see the humour in things. You left the arena holding Bada's hand and cherishing the priceless memories you two had made.

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