Unspoken Safety

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The beginning of the night had been an exhilarating journey into the unknown, an opportunity to explore a new world away from the security of your daily routine. Anticipating a great time, you arrived at the party full of energy, ready to mix in with the drinkers and take in the energy of the place. However, you couldn't deny that Bada, your personal bodyguard, wasn't exactly happy that you went to the event.

You could sense the excitement in the air as you made your way through the lively crowd. People were mesmerised by the moment as they moved to the beat of the music that filled the arena. Smiles from others welcomed you, and you laughed and soaked up the party atmosphere as you joined in on their chats.

However, there was a faint discomfort in the background, knowing that you had ignored Bada's advise. She had brought up her concerns about your safety in a new place on several occasions, and she had cautioned you not to go to this event. She took her duty to safeguard you seriously. That was her job. Her only goal for the evening was to watch over you from the shadows, to make sure you stayed safe.

You had no idea that Bada was blending in with the crowd while her sharp eyes were fixed on you. She didn't like to stand out, and her amazing body let her fit in with the partygoers while keeping her instincts razor-sharp.

As the evening wore on, the contagious spirit of the party captivated you. You enjoyed the freedom of being free of your regular responsibilities and the spontaneity of the evening. You had become lost in the bustle and the excitement of the celebrations, unable to see Bada's messages.

Your phone vibrated with a new message all of a sudden. As you looked down, you saw Bada's curt text, "It's time to leave. I'm on my way. Stay put."

You realised that you had pushed the boundaries once more and ignored her caution. Now the party had gotten out of hand, much worse than you could have anticipated. You should've heeded her warning and stayed safe, but your impulsive side had won out.  Upon hearing her order, you responded with a straightforward "I'm fine."

But whether you wanted Bada to come or not, a feeling of shame tugged at your conscience, and you knew she was on her way. She never would have left you on your own, especially in strange and maybe dangerous settings, because she had vowed to protect you.

Shortly after, Bada's towering figure emerged from the crowd, her tenacity evident as her eyes locked onto you. You felt a wave of relief mixed with frustration. The guests couldn't help but look at her because of her obvious presence. The mood changed, as if a mysterious power had stepped into the space.

With steady purpose, Bada moved towards you, and you realised there was no use in resisting. With a firm but kind grip, she took hold of your arm and led you away from the crazy celebration.

Every stride you took with Bada was met with an abundance of emotions that overcame you. It was exhausting, but her protectiveness also showed how keen she was to keep you safe.

You were now following her, finding it difficult to match her quick speed. "Slow down! You begged, still feeling the affects of the earlier adrenaline rush. "I can't walk that fast."

Bada's pace didn't slow. Her need was steadfast and her grip stayed solid. As you were being brought away from the party's clamour, there was a noticeable tension in the air. Though Bada's annoyance was obvious, you could see concern lurking beneath her tough demeanour.

Bada let go of your arm when you arrived to a nearby car, but she still turned to face you. Her serious face was shadowed by the night, and her tattooed arms were crossed over her chest. "Did you enjoy acting like a wild animal?" she said,her voice laced with irritation.

You playfully but slyly hit her back out of defensiveness. "What are you so pissed off about? It was just a party."

Bada seemed to look right through you, her eyes narrowing as her attitude stayed unwavering. "It's not just about the party. It's about your safety. I can't let anything happen to you."

There was a pause as you understood how deeply concerned she was. Bada's constant devotion to your well-being was evidence of the special relationship you two had. It was more than just a work assignment; it was a verbal promise and an unwritten agreement.

That's when you made the decision to become closer to Bada. You took a step closer and gently met her lips with yours. A kiss that expressed the feelings that had left unsaid, a kiss full of a mixture of longing, impatience, and affection.

You two gave in to the passion that had always simmered under the surface, and the tension that had been building all night appeared to dissipate. The world around you vanished as Bada's arms wrapped around you and drew you closer.

Finally, your lips parted, bringing your foreheads together, and you said, "I get it, Bada. I'll take extra care. I swear."

Bada's thumb stroked your cheek, softening her expression. "Good. Because I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Hand in hand, you and Bada left the party. You two had a relationship unlike any other, based on a special dedication and intense love. You couldn't help but think as you were leaving that, in spite of the difficulties, you would rather have no one else by your side to look out for and take care of you.

The evening served as a reminder that, on sometimes, you required protection against yourself—someone who loved enough to go above and beyond simple freedom. That someone was Bada, and her commitment demonstrated how strong your bond was.

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