Love's Guiding Light

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The night was calm, and the two of you sat under a covering of stars, the darkness broken only by the soft glow of the moon. You and Bada had many nights like this, revealing the deepest parts of your souls, dreams, and secrets.

You looked to Bada as the words began to form in your head while you were staring up at the huge night sky, your eyes betraying the weakness that was present in your heart. "If I told you about the darkness inside of me, would you still look at me like I'm the Sun?"

Bada's eyes met yours, and in that moment, you saw a depth of understanding that went beyond words. She gently offered her hand to take yours, her touch comforting and warm. "You are the Sun," she whispered, her voice filled with firm belief.

The impact of her words caused your heart to swell with emotion. It was as if Bada could see the light within you, a light that shone brightly even in the darkest of times, through the layers of darkness that occasionally covered your soul.

"You're my light," Bada continued, her voice soft but resolute. "And nothing, not even the dark, can ever change that. We all have our shadows, but it's in those shadows that we find the most beautiful and strong parts of ourselves."

You started crying as you grasped the depth of Bada's acceptance and love. It was a love that welcomed every aspect of you, including your dark side, and went beyond the surface and the masks you put on.

Bada leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a sweet and tender kiss. It was a kiss that expressed love, acceptance, and an intense bond that went beyond language. You understood at the exact moment that Bada would always be there, like the Sun, to drive away the shadows, letting you know that you were not alone in your battles.

You both smiled and exchanged a silent understanding as you pulled away from the kiss. Bada continued, this time with a quiet but sincere voice. "You know, our weaknesses are what define who we are. We discover the determination to come out on top during the darkness."

You nodded, filled with a deep sense of appreciation for Bada's knowledge and love in your life. You muttered, "I'm so lucky to have you."

Bada's eyes sparkled with love as she responded, "And I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you by my side."

It was now a different night as it went on. It was merely a part of the journey, a blank canvas on which the stars of your love shone brightly; the darkness no longer contained fear or doubt. No matter what difficulties lay ahead, you would tackle them together, with love serving as your compass, you realised as you embraced one other in the silence of the night.

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