Kiss and Crumbs

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You and Bada were holding hands and kissing each other gently when you were together. Just the two of you immersed in each other's world was a delightful time. But, unfortunately, paradise was short-lived.

The calmness was broken as you leaned in for another kiss by an unexpected visitor. The two of you separated abruptly as Kyma entered the room and cleared her throat with her exceptional timing.

Kyma: "Excuse me.

Bada blinked, her cheeks reddened, and she stumbled, "Huh? 0-oh..."

Tatter arched an eyebrow and grinned slyly after following Kyma inside the room.  "Care to tell us what you two were doing?"

You quickly replied, "I was just...taking some crumbs off Bada's lips," while anxiously attempting to control your laughter.

Kyma joined in with a baffled grin as she could no longer contain her amusement. "With your lips? Napkins exist too, you know."

You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes. "Napkins are too overrated. Besides, my lips are much softer."

Tatter, the master of comedic timing, burst into uncontrollable laughter. She leaned against the wall, clutching her stomach as tears streamed down her face.

Even Kyma couldn't resist joining the hilarity. "Well played, you two. Well played."

Bada, now recovered from her initial embarrassment, decided to play along. She continued, "Yeah, we like to keep things...personal."

The room filled with laughter as the teasing continued. It was times like these, when even the most embarrassing situations could become cherished memories, that made your friendship so unique.

Still laughing, Kyma leaned against the doorframe. "Okay, okay, no need to reveal all your secrets. But how about locking the door the next time?"

Bada agreed by nodding. "Lesson learned.  Thanks for the interruption, Kyma."

You and Bada exchanged knowing glances as the laughing died down, your lips twisting into identical smiles. No matter how much your friends teased you, the warmth and affection you shared made even the most embarrassing situations worthwhile. You couldn't help but be appreciative of having such wonderful people in your life.

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