Hidden in Silence

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In the silence of the night, as the moon illuminated your room in its soft, silvery glow, you found yourself immersed in a sea of bittersweet memories and unspoken confessions. You had been in love with Bada for what felt like an eternity, but she had always ignored you because she was in love with someone else.

The weight of unrequited love, a love that had quietly developed and bloomed inside of you over the years, weighed heavily on your heart. You saw her from afar, constantly at her side, encouraging her in all she did, but you had never dared show the depths of your love.

As you lay on your bed, surrounded by photographs and items of Bada, you finally found the courage to give voice to the emotions that had remained hidden for far too long.

Your voice quivered, swept away by the soft air of the night, "You can't tell that I am in love with you because you were too busy loving someone else to notice me."

Your eyes started to tear up, their tears glittering like diamonds in the moonlight. As you thought back on all the occasions when you had hid your actual feelings all the times you had stood by her side while hiding the extent of your love, your heart ached.

Your thoughts returned to the many hours you were spending planning a future with Bada, one in which your love would be acknowledged and returned. But those dreams remained unfulfilled and unnoticed, suspended in the world of the imagination.

The weight of your confession seemed to echo throughout the space, as if the room's very walls were witnesses to the love you had been containing in secret. It was a love that had grown stronger in the background while being obscured by another's light.

You couldn't help but wonder if Bada would ever understand the sacrifices you had made and the lasting dedication that had been an ongoing presence in her life as the tears flowed down your face. Would she ever realise that even though you had never dared to say its name, your heart had been beating in unison with hers?

You held onto your silent proclamation of love that seems destined to remain buried in the depths of your soul as you clutched to it in the cold of the night. Your heart was burdened by the sorrow of loving someone who seemed to be forever out of reach, making you fear that your love would remain unrecognised and unreturned for all time, like a precious secret lost.

Your heart hurt the most during times like this, when the world was still and covered in darkness. You longed for the bravery to tell Bada the truth and show her your vulnerable side since the space seemed suffocating.

You remembered the day you first met her, how her smile had lit up the room, how her laughter had filled your world with joy. She had become your sun, your moon, and your stars, even though she had been oblivious to the love that bloomed within your soul.

It had been a devastating blow for her to realise that she loved someone else. It was a stinging reminder that you could never hold her hand, dry her tears, or be her true love. It had the feeling of a knife to the heart.

You couldn't help but love her despite the pain that tore at your heart. It was a love that defied logic and had the capacity to both comfort and hurt.

You gripped to your pillow as the night grew longer and your tears staining the fabric.  You wished you could take back your emotions and escape the suffering of unrequited love. Though she would never be yours, you knew in your heart that Bada would always hold a special place in your heart.

You made a silent commitment to yourself while listening to "I Wanna Be Yours" in the quiet of the night. Even if Bada was never able to love you back, you would still be able to love her. Your love would continue to be a lovely secret, a sombre song to comfort your soul in your most lonely moments, and a reminder that love, even unrequited love, was a force of nature that could never completely be understood.

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