Convenience and Connection

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Life had settled into a consistently pleasant routine for both you and Bada. Every day, like normal, you found yourself entering the 7/11 convenience store where Bada worked because you lived in an apartment complex.

Your frequent stops had caught Bada's attention, and she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat whenever she saw you enter the store. You had become the highlight of her if not basic shifts.

You, on the other hand, couldn't deny the growing crush you had on Bada. Her warm smile, the twinkle in her eyes, and the way she remembered your name were all things that drew you to her. It was more than just the snacks that kept bringing you back; it was the person behind the counter.

Bada made the decision to take the chance when you approached the counter one evening carrying your usual purchase of a bag of chips and a can of soda. She lit up with a warm smile and said, "You know, you're my most loyal customer. You're here every day like exactly as planned. What's your secret?"

Not expecting her to call you out, you nervously laughed. You tried to play it cool "I guess I just really like the snacks here," in your response.

At your response, Bada couldn't help but smile. She scanned what you had and said, "Well, I'm glad you do." "Is there anything else you need today?"

As you left the store that evening, you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Bada's words had made your heart race, and you wondered if she felt the same way you did. You couldn't help but analyse the conversations in your head, going over each phrase and movement.

Your trips to the 7/11 grew over the next weeks, as did the length of your chats with Bada. You discovered her love of late-night movies, her ambition to become a dancer, and her odd sense of humour. She later learned about your interests, favourite snacks, and your love for drawing.

You walked into the store one rainy evening with wet hair and a soaked jacket. Bada smiled sympathetically as she greeted you. "It's bad outside out there, huh."

As you shook off the raindrops, you nodded. "Yes, it is pouring."

Bada reached under the counter and pulled out a stack of napkins. "Here, take these. They'll help you dry off a bit."

You smiled, "Thanks," and took the napkins.

As you dried your hair and wiped your jacket, Bada couldn't help but tease you. "I guess you didn't plan for this weather, did you?"

You chuckled, feeling more at ease with each passing day. "I didn't, no. But at least it gave me an excuse to come see you."

"Smooth" she said and occupied herself behind the counter as her cheeks started to turn a slight shade of pink. "Well, I'm glad you did."

Her words caused your heart to beat faster. These types of instances made you question whether your feelings were reciprocated. But as each day passed, the bond between you and Bada became stronger, and the tension between you two intensified.

Both of you were unaware that going to the 7/11 had become to become the highlight of your days. Both of you avoided taking the next step in your slow-burning affair, but you were silently longing for the day when your feelings would ultimately become known.

One evening, as you were about to leave the store, Bada couldn't resist a playful comment. "You know, if you keep coming here, we might need to start charging you rent."

Your laughter was warm and sincere. "I'll pay it gladly if it means I get to see you every day."

Bada rolled her eyes jokingly as her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson. a "smooth talker."

And with that, you walked out of the store, leaving Bada smiling for a very long time after you had left. Your relationship continued to slowly burn, defined by flirtatious remarks, sneaky glances, and a love that had slowly grown among the aisles of a convenience store.

Thank you,
badaleeswife95  who requested thank you , for your request! I hope you enjoy the stories I've created based on your prompts.

To all of you who read this book, if you have any ideas or scenarios involving Bada or any other topics you'd like to see, please feel free to send me a message with your suggestions.
Thank you.

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