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A ruckus could be heard as an epic chase was on. A much smaller target kept a steady distance between them and their pursuer. The target rounded a corner as the larger pursuer began to gain ground.

You're not getting away from me.

The pursuer picked up speed and reached out to seize their target. Just as they got inches within reach their target abruptly changed course and headed straight for their pursuer who stopped and stood ready to pounce.

I've got you now. Big mistake.

Undaunted, the small target charged their pursuer. As they got close the pursuer reached to grab them, but the target changed direction once more and the pursuer missed and turned as they scrambled to catch the target again as they ran by. The pursuer was so focused on their mission that they didn't notice the obstacle in the way as they turned and attempted to follow the target that was racing off. Taking a step the pursuer's foot got caught on something and with no time to recover the pursuer dropped to the ground in a heap with a loud crash. Laughter was then heard as the target continued running until they were cut off and snatched up by a new arrival on the scene.

Where do you think you're going?

Laughter rang out as Xena kept a firm hold on the squirming toddler in her arms. She looked at her daughter and then at Gabrielle who was sprawled out on the floor after tripping over the table while chasing after the little girl. Gabrielle looked up as Xena shut the front door to the house and walked over to her with the still fidgeting Aurora in her arms as she smiled down at her.

Gabrielle, is there a reason why you're layed out on the floor and our daughter is running around the house bare naked?

I turn my back on her for one second before putting her in the bath and she just takes off.

Gabrielle untangled her foot from the table leg as she stood back up.

Well, I think we both know which one of us she takes after athletically.

Xena smiled at the little girl who had settled down as she playfully poked her belly, making Aurora giggle.

That's my girl. Now come on you little stinker, it's bath time.

After giving Aurora her bath, dinner and putting her to bed, Xena stood looking out their bedroom window into the night at the torch-lit village. Thinking about how she was going to bring up wanting to leave. She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her midsection as someone pressed up against her back.

Hey, everything okay? You've been pretty quiet for most of the night.

Yeah, everything's fine.

Xena smiled as she turned and put her arms around Gabrielle.

I've just been thinking about something that's all.

What about?

Xena sighed as she thought of how to bring up the fact that she was considering them leaving the village. How would Gabrielle react?


Gabrielle could tell by Xena's pause that whatever she had on her mind, it must've been important and likely something that Gabrielle wouldn't like. Because while it wasn't something that she had done in a while, whenever Xena wouldn't give her a straight answer to something right away it typically meant that Xena trying to avoid making Gabrielle mad at her. Or was trying to protect her from something that she didn't want her to know too much about for her own safety. Though Xena had gotten better at not doing the last one since coming to the village. Which made Gabrielle think that Xena must've done or planned on doing something that she knew Gabrielle wouldn't be all that happy about. But even so, Xena always had her reasons for doing everything. So Gabrielle was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and hear her out before jumping to conclusions. After all, whatever was on Xena's mind could've been something important.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now