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Within the village main hall, Gabrielle sat before the villagers able to be in attendance. Xena stood on one side of where she sat, while Ephiny stood on the other. All three were anxious to try and figure out just what had happened during their relatively short absence. After taking a moment to gather her thoughts and fully immersed in her "queen mode", Gabrielle raised her hand to quiet the crowd, to which they all responded accordingly. After lowering her hand back to the armrest of her chair, Gabrielle took a breath and looked out at the women in the room for a moment before she began to speak.

Okay, I've already seen the destruction outside and just how many of the women here have lost their lives to the enemy. I can see that it's not looking good for everyone here, but now that myself, Xena, and the others are here we'll help you protect this place and everyone here. But given that we've been gone for a bit, other than Clover telling us that you spotted a suspicious army coming here so a group was sent to investigate and then all killed except for Clover, we're walking into this situation blind. So before we do anything I need someone to fill us in on any information you have.

Fauna stood from her seat and explained what they knew about the situation.

After Clover and her group left, we waited for them to send word about what we might be dealing with, but when it never came and then saw the enemy nearing the village we knew that they weren't a friendly force. So we gathered our defenses and have been trying to hold them back since. Unfortunately due to our focus being on defense, couldn't send out a search party for Clover and her group.
(Sad tone) However, after what we witnessed during the fighting, we assumed that they were all killed. And I suppose except for Clover who was fortunate enough for you and Xena to find her, we were right.

Gabrielle sighed sadly as she recalled the disturbing carnage she and Xena had seen when they found Clover and then again just outside of the village. Who would do this and why? Not to mention how? Did word somehow get out about the village? Gabrielle was confident that none of the non-native residents who had stayed there including herself and Xena would have told anyone about this place. So how did such a massive force find them? And what were they after? Hopefully, the villagers in the room would at least have some answers to the plethora of questions that Gabrielle had swirling around in her head as she tried to piece together the scenario that she, Xena, and the rest of the people there had now found themselves in.

Do you know who you're up against?

No. We've seen no signs of a banner or leader. In fact, the enemy doesn't even seem to wear any kind of matching armor or clothing.

What about demands? Do we know what they want?

Unfortunately, we don't. We've tried to get in contact with whomever their leader is but all efforts of communication have been unsuccessful. None of them will even listen to us at all.

Could it be a language issue that's stopping communication?

No, it doesn't seem that way. While we haven't exactly sat down and spoken with the enemy, during the fighting we can clearly understand one another perfectly.

Just how big is this army? We saw a lot of them dead. Their numbers must be dropping.

We thought so too after the first couple of days. But each time they come back their numbers don't seem to be affected. It's almost like there's no end to them.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now