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With a barrage of weaponry coming at her, the last thing Gabrielle heard was Hope's voice as she yelled her daughter's name in a desperate plea for her evil spawn to spare her. Suddenly Gabrielle found herself being tackled to the ground as someone landed on top of her.


With that command, Gabrielle saw a rapid series of arrows being fired directly at Hope. However, the projectiles merely curved away from their intended target as Hope looked at the women surrounding her. The arrows kept coming at Hope as some continued to be deflected while others simply hung in the air around her. Then with an evil smile, the arrows slowly flipped over so they were pointing back at the villagers who fired them as they looked on stunned by Hope's abilities.

(Sinister tone) My turn.

Knowing the danger that Hope posed, Gabrielle realized that facing her head-on like this would only result in Hope killing all of them.

Everyone get out of the way, now!

Despite her best efforts, Gabrielle's warning came too late as without even moving Hope sent the arrows surrounding her back towards the women that fired them. The projectiles flew out from near Hope as Gabrielle saw several villagers get hit and taken down. With a horrified expression, Gabrielle watched as her own offspring mercilessly slaughtered her people and her friends.


Gabrielle turned slightly as she looked to see a familiar face looking on at what Hope had done.

What is she?

A living nightmare that I never thought I'd have to see again.

And I thought that Alti woman was bad news.

Skyla and Gabrielle stood up.

You okay?

Yeah, thanks.

Skyla and Gabrielle looked at Hope as she eyed Skyla.

Aren't you the lucky one? Must be nice to have such loyalty. Too bad you couldn't show the same thing to your own daughter.

Skyla glanced at Gabrielle.

You're a great mother, why's she talking about Aurora?

She's not. Now isn't the time to explain but that's Hope. My, other daughter.

Your other what?!

Skyla looked between them as she noticed the fact that other than Gabrielle's current hairstyle, Hope was a mirror image of Gabrielle. Which even with a strong family resemblance was far too strange to be a normal occurrence.

Okay, I have so many questions about all of... this.

Skyla motioned to Hope implying her appearance.

I have to hear the story behind your apparent weird, evil, copy daughter.

Gabrielle was about to respond when she saw another arrow fly by them and toward Hope but was deflected. Gabrielle looked to see Cora walk up to her and Skyla as she loaded another arrow onto her bow.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now