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Gabrielle stood in stunned silence for a moment as she saw Xena laying motionless on the ground at Alti's feet. She looked at Alti who held a small orb of light in her hands as she smiled.

Oh what's wrong Gabrielle, did you want this back?

Alti held out the orb.

That's not really Xena's soul, is it?

Oh it is.

Alti brought the orb closer to her face.

And quite the interesting soul it is. So complex, with such a delicate balance of both dark and light. So strong and yet so fragile at the same time.

Gabrielle watched anxiously as Alt moved the orb from one hand to the other, examining the swirling variations of colored lights that moved within the orb.

Strong enough to withstand years of darkness, rage and hate and still find a way back into the light. But at the same time so fragile where if I were to just tighten my grip enough.

Alti tightened her hold around the orb and Gabrielle could see the strain being put on it and realized that if something happened to Xena's soul she'd not only be dead, but she would be completely wiped from all existence entirely.

Stop it!

Alti smiled at Gabrielle as she loosened her grip on the orb.

I take it that you believe me. Good. So tell me, Gabrielle, what would you do to get this back?

Gabrielle scowled as she knew what Alti was getting at.

Forget it Alti, you're not getting your hands on the Fountain Of Youth.

Really Gabrielle? You would sacrifice Xena to continue to stand in my way?

If the other option is you gaining access to power that would cause irreparable destruction and chaos to the whole world then yes.

Are you sure? I'm well aware of just how close the two of you are. So how about it? I return Xena's soul to her body and then you, her and your child can all go on being a happy little family. And all you have to do is leave this village to its fate.

As much as a part of Gabrielle wanted so badly to accept Alti's offer, she knew that she just couldn't do it. Because if there was one thing that she had learned after all the time that she and Xena had been together, it was that "the greater good" should always take priority over their own personal feelings about any given situation they might've found themselves In. She knew that Xena wouldn't want her to sacrifice the village and give Alti what she wanted just to bring her back to life. The price was just too high and Gabrielle knew that Xena would live with the guilt of knowing that she was only alive at the cost of so many others, and Gabrielle couldn't put that on Xena or herself. So as deeply as it pained her to let Xena go, Gabrielle knew that she just couldn't accept Alti's offer.

No deal Alti. I won't sacrifice this village or its people to you.

Very well then, I'll just leave you here with Xena's lifeless body, and I'll go find the fountain of youth myself.

Before Gabrielle could do anything, Alti disappeared, and she was left standing alone with Xena's body. She looked at Xena as she tried to figure out how they were going to stop Alti and felt the gravity of Xena's death setting in.

(Thinking to herself) What am I supposed to do? This can't be happening. Xena's gone, the village is in chaos with so many having been killed because of this, and Alti seems more powerful than ever. If she finds the fountain of youth, wherever it is, it'll be over for everyone. But how are we supposed to stop her

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now