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The village was in a frenzy as everyone rushed to do what they could to prepare their defenses with very little time. Xena roamed the village square giving out orders to various women who raced around the area. As she shouted commands Gabrielle walked over holding Aurora.

I just spoke to one of the guards, she said that the army isn't far. They'll likely be here within the hour.

Damn. I was hoping to have a little more time. Did they say how many?

A lot. A few hundred, at least.

Xena sighed as she gave another order to a passerby before returning her attention to Gabrielle.

What are we gonna do Xena? This village doesn't have the people or weaponry to take on those numbers.

We'll figure it out, Gabrielle. We always do. Like I said earlier, we are not going to let whoever these people are take this village. You believe me, don't you?

Gabrielle smiled slightly as Xena placed her hands on Gabrielle's upper arms.

Of course, I do. I know that even against odds like this if anyone can save the people here it's you.

No the people here are gonna save themselves. I'm just gonna help.

Everyone else is working to prepare. What do you want me to do?

Nothing right now. Your job will come when the enemy gets here. These people are gonna need their queen leading them.

Good point. Then I'll have to find someone to watch Aurora.

I've already ordered the non-combatants to gather in one of the large houses in the back of the village. They're over there getting ready to go. Take Aurora to them and she'll be safe.

Xena motioned to where the group was gathering.

Okay. I'll go bring her over.

Gabrielle walked away carrying the little girl as Xena continued to help the villagers prepare.

Anything yet?


It was a little later as Ephiny walked up to Xena and Gabrielle as they stood beside their mounts a good distance from the village with an army of Amazons standing by not far behind.

According to the scouts they should be coming up over the horizon up ahead. Fortunately, even though they have the numbers and the element of the unknown, we have the advantage of being more familiar with the area, and given that there's only one way in or out of the village, the only real option they have for an attack is a frontal assault. So that gives us a leg up on keeping them out. All we really need to do is hold the line to prevent them from breaking through our defenses.

You make it sound simple.

That's because strategy wise it is. It's the practical execution of the plan that can get tricky.

Well hopefully this time that won't be the case.

The conversation was broken up when the trio heard yelling and looked ahead to see one of the scouts on horseback galloping towards them.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now