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Are you serious?

You're not really leaving, are you?

Gabrielle finished chewing her food as she and Xena sat at the table in the mess hall with their usual group.

Yeah, we talked about it yesterday, and Xena and I decided that it might be time for us to move on.

We're gonna miss not having you two and Aurora here.

Things around here definitely won't be the same without you guys. We're really gonna miss you.

It was the morning after Xena and Gabrielle had decided to leave the village as Xena held Aurora in her lap and sat quietly as she listened to their friend's disheartened reactions after having just broken the news of their plans to leave. Gabrielle gave a sad smile.

We're gonna miss all of you too.

Ephiny looked at Xena.

So when were you guys planning on heading out?

Xena shrugged.

Few days.

Ephiny fiddled with her spoon for a moment as she appeared to be thinking before speaking again.

Hmm, now that you mention it I think that might be a good idea. I never planned on staying here this long. I'm sure everyone back home is thinking I just decided to change tribes. Might be time to head back and see everyone there. Maybe I'll head out when you do.

Ephiny, not you too.

I guess I should probably go too then. It'll be smarter to not travel by myself later.

And there goes Amarice too.

Skyla looked at the last two remaining non-native residents of the village being Willow and Cora.

Let me guess next the both of you are gonna say that you're leaving now too.

Cora and Willow looked at each other for a moment as Willow shrugged in indifference.

I guess I have been feeling kind of homesick lately. And besides we were originally brought here to expand this village's horizons. Which I think we did. And we learned a lot from everyone here too. But our stay was never intended to go on this long. In fact, if I'm remembering correctly I think it was only supposed to be for a year, two at the most. So we're well overdue to return home.

Huh, I guess you're right.

Gabrielle chuckled.

I guess this village just has that effect on people.

(Joking/ Ominous tone) Maybe that's the point. And once they get cha here and before you know it you completely forget that you can even leave.

Gabrielle nudged Xena in her side from the terrible joke as she laughed.

(Joking) You know now that I think about it, it might be a good thing that we're leaving. I think you've been hanging around Ephiny too long. You're starting to catch her bad sense of humor.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now