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Xena glared intensely at Alti as she stood off to the side of her and Ares.

I was wondering when you were gonna finally decide to show your face Alti.

What's wrong Xena not happy to see me?

(Sarcasm) Oh yeah, I'm thrilled.

Xena reached for her chakram and quickly threw it at Ares as she then charged Alti. Ares ducked under the weapon.

Cheap tricks Xena, really?

With a scowl on his face, Ares warped over to Xena and swung at her. Xena ducked and kicked the god as she then swung her blade at Alti. Alti didn't move as she used her power to stop Xena's attack mid-swing. She then gave Xena an evil smile as she grabbed her by the throat.

You never know when to quit do you, Xena? This time you are not going to get in my way. I will have the fountain of youth's power for my own.

(Gasping) I'd die before I let you get ahold of that kind of power.

(Sinister tone) Oh, don't worry you will.

Alti then used her power to blast Xena away. Xena crashed to the ground as Alti looked at Ares.

Finish her off. I have something that I need to do.

Leaving so soon Alti?

Alti turned her attention to Xena.

I only stopped by to enjoy this little struggle of yours. Once I finally find the fountain of youth it'll be over for all of you. But don't worry I'll be sure to take care of you first. Now if you'll excuse me.

I won't let you.

Xena threw her chakram at Alti who easily knocked it away and back towards Xena. She ducked as I flew overhead, but was caught off guard by an attack from Ares who threw out an orb of energy and hit her square in the chest. The shot sent her flying back as she hit the ground hard. Stunned for a moment Xena got to a knee as the fatigue from the day's events was really beginning to take hold. She huffed as she tried to push aside the pain fr om being hit by such a powerful shot. Ares threw out another attack, forcing Xena to dive out of the way. She got back to her feet and swung her blade to knock away another orb from Ares. She then ran as she dodged incoming attacks from both Ares and Alti. One of Ares' attacks came at her and Xena used her sword to throw it back at Ares and Alti. Alti easily knocked it away as Xena pushed herself to keep going. She ran in an unpredictable pattern as she closed in on them. Once close Xena made it appear as though she was going for Alti but suddenly changed the trajectory of her swing towards Ares who was caught completely off guard by the fake-out. But just as Xena's attack was about to hit Alti caught her with her power to keep her in place. Xena struggled to move but found herself completely immobilized. She yelled in frustration as Ares smirked at her.

You know it really is a shame that it has to end like this Xena. So much potential for greatness and you just threw it all away for your so-called morals.

And I don't regret it either.

I swear I will never understand you.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now