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Spread out across the field in front of the village the epic battle waged on. Xena blocked a strike from Callisto's blade and shoved her away as out of the corner of her eye she saw a ball of light coming her way. Quickly Xena swung her sword and sent the orb back the way it came causing it to hit the one who threw it originally threw it square in the chest, that being Ares, Stunned from being hit with his own godly power, Ares scowled at Xena as she carried on fighting off everything that came her way. Meanwhile, Gabrielle was busy with her own battle. She dropped Arsen as she kicked his knee from under him and followed up with a few hard shots with the bottom of her sais to his face. She then flipped one of them and prepared to drive the point into his neck but suddenly found herself being thrown back by an unseen force. Gabrielle landed on her back several feet away and looked up to see Hope walking towards her. Several weapons that had been laying on the ground began to levitate around her as she walked by them. Gabrielle's eyes widened in fear as Hope gave her an evil smile.

Goodbye mother.

Without even moving Hope sent the weapons at Gabrielle who scrambled to get out of the way as Hope launched the barrage of deadly weapons towards her. Axes, swords, spears, and maces all came flying Gabrielle's way as she did everything she could to avoid being hit. Multiple weapons stuck into the ground around her as Gabrielle just managed to dodge the continued assault. As the weapons kept coming in Gabrielle heard a yell behind her and speedily moved to the side as Arsen brought down his battle axe and just missed hitting her. She threw out a swinging kick to his midsection and made him stagger back for a moment. But Gabrielle's attention returned to Hope as she heard her demonic daughter yell as more weapons came at her. With the projectiles coming fast and no time to move Gabrielle dove to the ground as the weapons were propelled over her. She then heard a quick, painful groan and turned her head towards the sound. It was then that she saw Arsen impaled by some of the weaponry. Including a dagger that was lodged in his throat. Gabrielle watched as Arsen stood there for a moment and made a horrible gargling sound before falling back and staying down as his consciousness once again disappeared from the mortal realm and his soul returned to Tartarus once more. Hope glared at Gabrielle as she got back up to face her evil offspring.

You always were a clever one. But that won't be enough to save you this time Mother.

The chaos continued with Alti's army kept up their push towards the village as they kept pushing their way through the villagers. The fact that the enemy could only be stopped for good by hitting vital points was beginning to become more and more of a problem for the villagers as hitting the weak spots was easier said than done in the heat of battle. Not to mention that the fighting had been going on for some time now and the women of the village were beginning to grow fatigued where as their opponents didn't seem to tire or even feel pain.

I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. It seems like there's no end to them.

Willow swung her spear in a wide sweeping motion as she knocked back a few of the oncoming enemies.

We have to keep going. The enemy can not be allowed to reach the village. Otherwise, it'll be the end for far more than just us.

Cora dodged another enemy that came at her and gave them a quick shove as she sent them right towards Willow who impaled her spearhead into their chest as she drove them to the ground. Then in one swift motion, Willow used the momentum to vault through the air and drop onto another oncoming opponent and plunged her spear into their chest as well, taking both enemies out for good.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now