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With the battle continuing to rage around her, Xena stood amongst the bodies of the multiple enemies she had taken down. She gripped the handle of her blade tightly as she glared at the newly materialized Alti who stood a little way from her.

Alti. What are you doing here?

Alti looked around at the chaos of the battle that surrounded them.

I did say that it wasn't over and I'd be back last time didn't I?

You mean when you failed in getting rid of me and Gabrielle for whatever you were planning and took off when you realized that you had lost?

Alti scowled.

That was only a temporary setback. One that I was sure to not let happen again.
(Angry tone) Which begs the question as to why you're here. You and Gabrielle were supposed to be gone.

So you've been watching the village since our last little meeting. Just waiting for us to leave. But what made you so sure we would?

You forget Xena, I know you. You've never been one to stay in one place for too long. So I knew it was only a matter of time until you moved on from this place and then it would be all mine for picking.

Seeing Alti and with no enemies coming at her, Gabrielle moved to stand beside Xena as she stared angrily at the evil sorceress.

What do you want with this village? Why do all this? The last time you were here you said the village had something you wanted. So what is it? What exactly are you after here?

Alti scowled at Gabrielle.

(Angry tone) I knew I should've just killed you when I had the chance. If it weren't for you Xena would be gone and I'd already have what I came here for.

Xena smirked.

Well, we all have our regrets now, don't we?

Yes I suppose we do

Alti's expression changed to a sinister grin as she returned her focus to Xena.

But luckily unlike you Xena I can easily fix the things I regret. Just like this.

Using her power Alti made a sword from a fallen body near her rise from the ground and float in midair beside her. The blade then turned so the point was aimed directly at Gabrielle and without warning it shot towards her with incredible speed.


On instinct, Xena dove and sent both Gabrielle and herself to the ground as the projectile just barely missed hitting either of them as it sailed past them and stuck into the earth just behind them.

You okay?

Yeah, thanks.

Xena then glared at Alti as she and Gabrielle got back up.

(Angry tone) That's it, I've had enough of your cheap tricks and cryptic wording. I don't care what you're after here you aren't gonna get it. I think it's time that I finally purge this world of your evil once and for all.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن