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With the battle for the village continuing, an orb of energy flew as Xena dodged the attack from Ares. Alanis came at her with a swing of her weapon. Xena ducked out of the way before blocking an incoming strike from Callisto. With her sword still locked with Callisto's, Xena heard Alanis coming up behind her and kicked her foot back into her midsection, and threw another one forward into Callisto's. With the two momentarily stunned Xena ducked as yet another attack from Ares came in. She threw out her chakram at the god who ducked as the weapon flew overhead. Both Alanis and Callisto came back at Xena and she fended off a series of strikes from both women. As the trio traded blows Alanis caught Xena's sword arm and landed a kick to her side. Seeing her opening Callisto swiped her blade, aiming it right for Xena's neck. As she swung Xena's chakram came flying back and Xena quickly caught it with her free hand and used the circular weapon to block Callisto's blade just before it connected with her throat. With her sword in one hand and her chakram in the other Xena summoned a burst of strength as she yelled and shoved both women's weapons away as she then lept up and kicked out both feet, hitting both in the chest and pushing them back before landing back in her normal standing position where she blocked an overhead sword strike by Ares from behind. Ares pushed his blade down towards Xena as she fought to hold him back.

Give it up Xena. Even you can't win this.

Why are you even doing this Ares? So Alti freed you, it's not like she has any control over you.

No, but our goals are somewhat aligned. She wants what's here and I want that village wiped off the face of the earth.


Ares leaned closer.

Simple. That village is special to my sister and I'm gonna show her what happens when anyone mortal or god treats me like an ill-behaved child that needs to be punished by locking me away.

You started a war among her chosen people just to try and get rid of Gabrielle, their queen all because of your obsession over me. So honestly I'm surprised that Artemis didn't do something more drastic than basically sentencing you to an extended time out.

Xena smirked.

Or maybe she thought that the blow to your fragile little ego would be a worse punishment than anything else she could do.

Ares scowled.

I assure you, Xena, there is nothing fragile about me.

Really? Because you got awfully defensive pretty quickly just now.

Nice try Xena, but that won't work this time.

Ares pushed Xena away and right towards Alanis who swung at Xena and missed when Xena dodged and landed a kick to her stomach but was unable to follow up when Callisto came back into the fray. Callisto threw an elbow that connected with Xena's cheek and then drove her knee into her stomach. The shot doubled Xena over where she was then hit with Callisto's knee to her face. Xena staggered back as Alanis dove at her with her weapon poised to strike. She connected and tackled Xena to the ground. Xena caught Alanis' wrist as the deceased Amazon attempted to drive a dagger into Xena's chest. Xena let go of her sword and used her other hand to throw a hard punch into the side of Alanis' head. Then she took the opportunity and rolled them both over. Now pinning Alanis beneath her Xena looked ahead as she heard Ares make an angry yell. She then saw him launch another ball of energy towards her. Xena quickly grabbed hold of Alanis and pulled her up in front of her.

What the gah!!

Alanis screamed as Ares's attack slammed into her back. And due to him being a god, his power was enough to take out any of the resurrected enemies without the necessity of hitting vital points. Xena let go and Alanis fell flat and layed motionless as another of Alti's army was defeated.

(Annoyed/ angry tone) Oh, come on! Again?!

Just like last time. You really are too predictable Ares.

He might be, but I'm not. Now stay out of my way Ares and I'll show you how it's done.

Callisto kicked up a fallen sword with her foot and caught it with her free hand as she rushed Xena now wielding two swords. Xena grabbed her own blade once again and blocked the incoming attack. She pushed the one sword back but was left with no opening as Callisto swung the second blade, forcing Xena to stay on the defensive as Ares stood by and watched.

(Angry tone) Ephiny it's about time that I made you pay for standing in my way of becoming queen. And then if she's not already dead I'm going to find Gabrielle and finish what I started.

I always knew there was something wrong with you Velasca. I just never thought that you would actually go as far as you did when you tried killing Gabrielle just to be queen.

Velasca scowled.

(Angry tone) You're almost as pathetic as Gabrielle and as insufferable as Xena. I probably should've targeted you too when I had the chance back then. But I suppose killing you now works just as well.

Velasca lunged at Ephiny with her dagger. Ephiny blocked and pushed her back as she launched her own attack with her sword. Again the two clashed and shoved each other back. Then Velasca quickly grabbed Ephiny's wrist of her sword hand and  used her other hand to drive herself dagger right towards her chest. Thinking fast, Ephiny dropped low and tilted her head to the side as Velasca's blade missed its intended target and instead only left an inconsequential cut on her shoulder as it passed barely inches from her face. Then without waiting a moment, Ephiny used her free hand to grab Velasca's dagger arm as she rapidly stood up and used her foot to sweep Velasca's legs from under her. Velasca tumbled to the ground as Ephiny released her hold on her. Undeterred Velasca swept her leg to bring Ephiny down but Ephiny saw it coming and jumped over the leg. But unfortunately, she didn't see the second one coming and was hit with a hard kick to her ribs. Ephiny dropped to a knee as Velasca got up and stabbed at her. Ephiny rolled as she dodged the strike. Quickly she was back on her feet and blocked another incoming attack from Velasca as the two locked weapons as each tried to overpower the other. Meanwhile, from a safe distance, Alti continued to watch the chaos of the battle for the secret village.

(Talking to herself) Even if they are able to defeat some of my Army, soon they'll all be too worn down to stop me. Not much longer and I will essentially hold this whole world in the palm of my hand.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now