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The crowd around the waterfall and lake that was the Fountain Of Youth looked on sadly as they watched Gabrielle standing by the waters edge as she cried. The glimer of hope that the fountain could revive Xena had apparently been nothing but fantasy. The damage to Xena's soul must've been too great for even  something so powerful to heal. Gabrielle looked at the still water for how long, she didn't know until she thought of something that scared her even more than Xena being dead.

Artemis you said that Xena's soul is so damaged that even the fountain can't heal it. But what does that mean for Xena in the afterlife? Can her damaged soul even more on?

I wish I could tell you you Gabrielle. But unfortunately that's yet another thing I don't know. The human soul is incredibly complicated. And just like each person, souls very in strength and durability depending on the person. And it isn't always obvious which ones are stronger and which aren't. While a person might have a strong body, mind and personality, their soul can be quite fragile and delicate. And the same is true for someone who appears feble and frail, their soul can be strong and durable. And what decides that along with what happens to severely damaged souls is a complete unknown, even to us gods.

Gabrielle looked at the water for another long moment before turning away and slowly walking from the lake and the crowd.

(Sad monotone) Could someone get her out of the water. I have a funeral to begin to prepare.

No one knew what to say as they watched Gabrielle take Aurora and begin to  walk away. As Gabrielle held her and Xena's child close she found herself not being able to wait to leave the village behind. Though she loved the people in it, the village now held far too many memories that now with Xena gone, were just far to painful for her to be around. Which was why as soon as Xena's funeral was over, she was going to take Aurora and leave. Gabrielle walked slowly but the decided to stop and wait to see Xena get brought out of the fountain. She turned around just as a couple of women began wading into the water to retrieve Xena's body. Then as Gabrielle stood there for a moment a large splash erupted from the lake as Xena's head suddenly emerged from the water with a loud gasp. Everyone froze as not a single person including Artemis could believe their eyes. Xena coughed up a bit of water as the Amazons who were already coming to get her body quickly moved to help Xena out of the water. As they did, Gabrielle practically ran to Xena and met her in the water as she held Aurora in one arm and threw the other around Xena who though not certain of what was going on, returned Gabrielle's embrace as they stood in the slightly above waist deep water and Gabrielle couldn't help but dry tears of joy that Xena was alive.

I thought I'd lost you and that you were gonna be completely gone forever.

Xena kissed the top of Gabrielle's head as she held her.

(Soft tone) It's alright, I'm here now.

After a moment as Xena's began to get her bearings she noticed where they were and saw smoke from the smoldering remains of the village and quickly went on alert for Alti and her army.

She pulled from Gabrielle's embrace as she looked around for the shamaness.

(Worried tone) Alti, her army, where are they?

Xena then felt Gabrielle take her hand and looked at her.

It's okay Xena, it's over. Alti can never hurt anyone ever again.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now