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Xena, Gabrielle, and the others reached the village. They stood in horror as they saw that the village was in utter chaos due to Alti's army which had gotten through the village's defenses. Knowing there was no time to waste, Xena took charge.

Everyone spread out. Get as many who can't fight to safety as possible. And while you're at it, get rid of as many of these bastards as you can too. Be sure to go for the typical vital points. That seems to be the only way to finish 'em for good.

Everyone agreed as they split up. With some focusing more on fighting off the enemy. While others worked to move the noncombatant villagers away from imminent danger. With Amarice, Skyla, Clover, Iris, Fauna, Willow, Cora, and Ephiny hurried off to do whatever they could to protect the other women of the village, When it was just Xena and Gabrielle left standing just inside the village entrance Xena looked at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle, I want you to take Aurora and get out of the village

Xena turned to hurry further into the village but was stopped when she was grabbed by the arm. Knowing exactly what was coming Xena turned back and was met with Gabrielle giving her a very disapproving look.

(Unhappy tone) Wait a minute Xena, you are not doing this again. I thought we were past you feeling the need to protect me.

We do NOT have time for this right now. This has nothing to do with how capable or not you are now in a fight. This is Alti we're talking about. You know how extremely powerful and dangerous she is.

All the more reason for me to come with you.

No, not this time. Aurora needs to get somewhere safe and I'm not risking losing you over this either.

(Unhappy tone) So I'm supposed to just leave you to fight her on your own? You can't actually think that I would do that.

Xena placed her hand on Gabrielle's shoulder as she looked directly into her eyes.

Gabrielle listen, this is one of those things that I just have to do on my own.

Having basically heard Xena saying this kind of thing in this way too many times before, Gabrielle already figured out Xena's reasoning for feeling the way she did.


Gabrielle, it's only because of me that Alti came after this place. If I hadn't done the things I've done in my past. If I hadn't allied myself with Alti against the Northern Amazons for my own selfish lust for power, me and Alti wouldn't have any history. And it's because of that history she went after us when she appeared on the trip when last winter started and showed Clover those visions. And it was because of those events that led her to seeing the village in Clover's mind. So since I caused all of this, I have to be the one to finally put a stop to Alti for good.

(Stern tone) I'm not leaving.

Would you think for a moment? This isn't just about us. We have a child to think about too. And I know you would do anything to protect her, which is exactly why I want you to take her out of here. If I fail to stop Alti and this village falls, you know what will happen to her and everyone else here.

Gabrielle knew that Xena was right. They had to get Aurora to safety. But still leaving Xena to face Alti alone didn't feel right. Feeling torn, Gabrielle looked at the chaos around them. She knew that protecting Aurora was a top priority. And as Gabrielle scanned the area she knew what she had to do.

You're right, Aurora needs to be kept safe.

Xena watched as Gabrielle hurried off. But instead of rushing to get Aurora Xena saw as she stopped Ephiny who was directing some of the villagers away from the chaos and spoke to her for a moment. Then with Ephiny seeming to confirm whatever Gabrielle had said, she rushed off towards where the non-combatants were gathering as Gabrielle hurried back over to Xena.

What was that about?

Making sure that Aurora stays safe. Now let's go find Alti.

Xena gave Gabrielle a somewhat amused look.

You told Ephiny to get Aurora out of here while you come with me to face Alti, didn't you?

I told you I wasn't leaving.

Xena smirked slightly at the stubbornness and determination that she had grown so used to seeing in Gabrielle. Even from the first day that they had started traveling together, it was there. And even though it had given them their fair share of problems over the years, that never-say-die attitude was just one of the countless things that Xena had come to love about Gabrielle and wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

You know, where I'm headed, there'll be trouble.

Gabrielle smiled as she remembered Xena saying that exact thing on that first day of the two of them officially traveling together. It seemed crazy to think of how drastically their lives had changed since then, as for all the good and the bad neither Gabrielle nor Xena had ever regretted the decisions they both made that day. And now here they stood together as they faced yet another battle that seemed impossible for them to win but knew that there was no one else that either of them would rather have at their side as Gabrielle responded with the same thing that she had said to Xena when she had said that line before.

I know.

And with that simple, yet meaningful exchange Xena led the way as the two fought their way through the enemies in the village as they searched for where Alti could be. After running and fighting their way through the village for a bit Xena and Gabrielle finally spotted Alti as she grabbed one of the fleeing Amazons. The woman struggled to get free from Alti's hold but was unable to as Alti attempted to use her power on her.

Now show me where you're hiding the fountain.

The Amazon's eyes rolled back as her body twitched and jerked while Alti peered into her mind and searched for the Fountain Of Youth's exact location. Blood began to run from her nose as the Amazon fought against Alti's power. However the longer Alti kept her hold on the woman, the weaker her will to keep Alti from accessing that knowledge was becoming. Slowly Alti began to see a fuzzy image of the village within the Amazon's mind. She focused harder as she pushed the Amazon's mental fortitude to its limits and the image began to become clearer.

(Thinking to herself) Yes, at last in just a few more seconds the Fountain Of Youth's power will be mine.

The image continued to grow clearer and more focused until just as Alti was about to be able to determine the fountain's precise location she was stopped as a projectile came from nowhere and cut her arm as it flew by. Alti yelled in anger and pain as she dropped the Amazon and glared in the direction of where the flying object had come from.

I told you that I won't let you stand in my way this time Xena.

Xena caught her chakram as it came back from being thrown and hooked it back on her hip as she and Gabrielle stood and few feet away from Alti with their weapons ready.

Your time is up Alti. I'm finally putting an end to you right here once and for all.

Fine Xena, if I have to kill you and Gabrielle before I can get what I want, I suppose I can wait just a little longer. I think it's time that we finally settle things between us anyway.

My thoughts exactly.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now