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With the village set a flame and fire spreading around her, Gabrielle sat on the ground holding Xena's lifeless body. Her heart weighed heavy as she couldn't believe that this was how everyone was going to meet their end. The villagers all gathered around as they stood waiting for the blaze to overtake them. As they waited their fate, Gabrielle looked out at the distant fire that was gradually coming their way.

(Thinking to herself) So this is how it ends. It just doesn't seem fair. Xena's gone. Everyone else here is going to die, Aurora's gonna grow up an orphan. None of this is right. Even after everything we've done to protect this place, the very people who had been put in charge of defending this place now have to destroy it.

Gabrielle looked up at the darkening sky as the smoke from the fire rose, and the sun began to set. Physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, she thought of how the sunset almost seemed symbolic of the situation. As what was possibly one of the single longest days of her life drew to a close, so would the entirety of hers and all the other women's lives. As the village became consumed by the raging inferno, Gabrielle sat with Xena in her arms as she watched the other women coming together as they prepared to spend their last moments in this life with their loved ones. She then looked down at Xena in her arms for a moment as tears filled her eyes before raising her gaze to the sky.

(Thinking to herself) Well if this is how it truly does all end, I guess I'll be seeing you again soon Xena.

As Gabrielle and the rest of the women of the village all awaited their fate, Alti stood at the base of the waterfall. Still not seeing anything that resembled a fountain of any kind.

(Angry/ Irritated tone) Where is it? How is it possible to keep such a thing so well hidden?

As she looked around and saw nothing, Alti had grown tired of searching and decided that she was going just going to have to extract the exact location of the fountain from the villagers. And seconds later, she appeared before the gathered villagers. Many of the women looked at her in a mix of fear and hatred. Alti searched the faces around her, as Gabrielle looked up from Xena and saw Alti. The fear that she had already found the Fountain Of Youth setting in. After a moment of looking around at the Amazons as the villager continued to burn, Alti spoke.

Based on the fact that you've set your own village on fire, you obviously know that you've already lost. Now that being said, I can make all of your deaths much quicker or much, much longer and far more painful depending on the next decision you make.

Clover stepped forward slightly.

You can threaten us all you want, but if you think that we're telling you anything, you're even more insane than I thought.

A number of others spoke up in agreement as they stood before Alti in defiance.

Exactly. We'll die before we let you get your hands on the fountain.

(Sinister tone) Very well, since you insist.

In the blink of an eye, Alti warped up to one of the women and sent her flying back into a nearby building that was burning. Gabrielle and the others looked on in horror as a few seconds later the Amazon emerged from the building, screaming in pure agony as she had caught on fire. Her screams cut through the air as several disturbing moments passed before she fell to the ground in silence as her body continued to burn. A number of the women looked away from the sickening sight, as others were in such a state of shock that they couldn't pull their eyes away from the horror.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ