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Steel clashed, yells rang out and bodies fell as Xena, Gabrielle and the others clashed against the oncoming army. Weaponry of varying types collided as the Xena, Gabrielle, and the Amazons fought to defend the village from the unnatural invading enemy. Xena yelled as she raced by an enemy while on Argo and swung her sword, cutting them down at the throat and moving to the next as she plunged the blade into the enemy's chest. She then took her boot and used it to shove the soldier away and off of her blade. Another came at her and she kicked them away before carving through yet another as she continued forward. Xena let out a yell as she rode straight for a large group of enemy soldiers. She slashed, stabbed, and hacked her way through the huddled mass, cutting down anything that came near her. Once through that particular grouping, Xena pulled back on Argo's reigns as she turned around to briefly check on the others that were fighting further behind her and scowled when she saw most of the enemies that she had just cut down getting back up despite the damage that Xena had inflicted on them being enough to take down even the toughest of normal opponents as even more of the enemy army came her way.

(Irritated tone) What do I have to do to you to keep you down?

With a yell Xena got Argo moving again as she charged right for the group once more. She swung her sword in varying arcs as the blade sliced and carved its way through the opposing army. She charged through the gathering of enemies while cutting down everything around her and leaving a multitude of fallen bodies in her wake. Once getting through the group, Xena turned around and was greeted with the disheartening sight of almost every opponent that she had just cut down not once, but twice now returning to their feet for her to have to face a third time.

(Irritated tone) This is ridiculous.
(Thinking to herself) Hitting these things vital points from up here is easier said than done when there's this many crowding around me like this.

Xena swung her blade, along with throwing out punches and kicks as she fended off the enemies that surrounded and closed in on her. As she fought one of the enemy swiped at Xena and landed a hit with their sword, cutting her thigh. Feeling the pain of her flesh being opened, Xena let out a yell that was more anger than pain and looked at the wound in her leg. With a scowl on her face and fed up with the insanity of fighting enemies that wouldn't stay down unless certain areas on them were targeted, Xena took her sword and rammed the blade through the enemy that had landed the hit on her. It plunged into the enemy's chest and stopped their motion of attack as their arms fell limp to their side and dropped their weapon as Xena took her boot and shoved them off of her blade as they dropped to the ground where this time remained completely unmoving. Quickly another of the enemies surrounding Xena attacked but was almost immediately taken down with a slash to the throat that ended their threat to the village. Then letting her battle cry ring out Xena vaulted from her place on Argo's back as she flipped up over the mare's head and drove her blade into one of the enemies that stood a little in front of the horse as she came down on top of them taking them to the ground. As soon as Xena landed she grabbed her chakram and hurled it towards some of the enemies coming for her. The circular-bladed weapon flew through the air and sliced multiple enemies' throats as it bounced around. As soon as her chakram was in flight Xena plunged her sword into the chest of the enemy that was still beneath her before quickly yanking it out and rolling forward to avoid an incoming strike. She stood up and blocked another incoming attack before kicking the attacker's knee out from under them and as they went down to one knee Xena spun her blade to point downward and proceeded to drive it straight to the back of the enemy's neck, out the front and into the ground. As another enemy came up behind her, Xena heard them coming and kicked her foot back, pushing them back slightly as she pulled her sword from the enemy in front of her and they dropped and stayed down as Xena spun around and swung her sword with precision and sliced the throat of the enemy she had just kicked, taking them down permanently as well. With her blood pumping and nothing but the enemy around her, Xena unleashed her full warrior instincts. She let out a furious roar as she slashed, carved, stabbed, kicked, punched, and threw out any other type of attack she could as she took down enemy after enemy all the while doing her best to land as many strikes to the opponent's vital points as she could to prevent them from getting back up. Blood covered everything around Xena as she carved her way through the sea of enemies that almost seemed to have no end.

(Frustrated tone) Come on just stay down.

Gabrielle threw a series of rapid strikes with the bottom of her sais into an enemy's midsection before bringing the bottom of one up into their jaw and knocking her opponent off their feet. However, she was disappointed when the enemy got back up while she began fighting off another enemy.

Gabrielle, you have to go for a killing blow. Otherwise, they'll just keep getting back up.

Gabrielle dodged a hit and looked over to see Clover burying her axe blade into the chest of an enemy before looking at her.

I know you don't really like killing unless you absolutely have to, but you don't have to worry about that here. These things aren't people. Not really anyway. Despite what they look like.

Reminded that she didn't have to hold back, Gabrielle flipped her sais upwards and thrust the point of one up into an attacking enemy's neck. Then pulling it back out the enemy fell and didn't get back up. Gabrielle was forced to remind herself what Clover had just said and that she was defending innocent people in killing the enemy. All across the battlefield, the women of the village were fighting against the unnatural enemy, with both sides taking on casualties. The fighting carried on as suddenly Xena felt an odd sensation run down her spine and sneered as she cut down another enemy before looking around the battlefield.

(Angry tone) I should've known. I know you're here. Come on and show yourself.

A voice rang out as the others around heard the sound over the fighting and tried to decipher its origin while fighting off the enemy army.

(Sinister/ angry tone) You weren't supposed to be here Xena. It seems like you just can't stop yourself from getting in my way.

(Angry tone) Then why don't you come out and do something about it?
(Mocking) Or are you afraid that you'll just end up failing again like last time?

A furious roar echoed through the air before the voice faded away completely. A moment later Xena heard the voice again but this time from behind her as the surrounding enemies seemed to stop coming at her.

Fine Xena have it you're way.

With a scowl on her face and gripping her sword tightly in one hand, Xena slowly turned around and wasn't in the least surprised by who it was that she saw standing there with an evil look in their eyes.

(Sinister tone) At least now I can finish what I started last time


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें