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A bright light beamed as Gabrielle squeezed her eyes shut on reflex as she prepared for the end. And then all fell quite as the light faded, and the earth stopped shaking. Terrified whimpers could be heard amidst the silence, followed by various gasps as Gabrielle peeked opened her eyes and realized that she and the others weren't dead. But why? It was then that she heard more shocked murmurs among the villagers. As the destruction that she was creating was brought to a stop, Alti scowled as she looked around to try and figure why the quaking had abruptly ceased. It was then that she spotted someone standing not far from her. She scowled at who she perceived as an intruder.

(Angry tone) You... How are you here?

From where Gabrielle sat with Xena she had to strain a little to look over some debris that had fallen in front of her during the chaos in order to see who Alti was taking to. And as she did, Gabrielle didn't think that she had ever been so relieved to see any supernatural being in her whole life.

(Quietly talking to herself) Artemis...

The goddess gave Alti an extremely hateful look as she took in the death and destruction around them.

You might have gotten lucky and caught me off guard, but you didn't think that trick of yours was going to hold me forever?

Out of the corner of her eye, Artemis saw some of Alti's army coming her way and scowled as she held her hand palm up in front of her lips and blew. As she did so, thousands of miniscule specs of light scattered from her palm and were carried by the breeze to the undead army. The villagers looked on in amazement as when the specs of light came in contact with the remainder of the oncoming army, the enemies stopped dead in their tracks as their whole bodies became engulfed by light that a moment later burst into even more particles before fading away to nothing, not leaving a single trace of the enemy that the light had touched behind. And just like that, in only a matter of seconds the entirety of Alti's army was gone without a single trace of them remaining. As the last specs faded away, Artemis returned her attention towards Alti who sneered at the goddess.

You think that getting rid of my army will change anything now? Look around you, goddess, you're too late. Though since you're here now, you can tell me where you put it.

And what in all creation makes you think I would tell you that?

Because if you don't, I'll show what happens to anyone who stands against me. Mortal or god.

Artemis looked at Alti for a moment, as suddenly Gabrielle noticed the goddess' demeanor change to a very serious scowl.

(Calm/ angry tone) Wait a moment, I remember you now. You were the catalyst for the destruction of my Amazons to the far north. And now you dare come here to do the same.

Technically I didn't do anything to those Amazons.

Alti smiled an evil grin as she pointed towards the lifeless Xena who Gabrielle still held in her arms.

She did. But don't worry, as you can see, I already took care of her for you. See for yourself.

Alti pulled out the orb of multicolored light that was Xena's disembodied soul.

Now, I'm sure yhat the soul of the woman who has caused so much suffering to your Amazons is worth quite a bit to you.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now