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With the rain falling over them, everyone looked on with heavy hearts as Gabrielle cried, heartbroken that despite the goddess Artemis returning her soul to her body, Xena was dead. She cradled Xena's body in her arms as she tried to figure out how she would go on without Xena by her side. With a saddened expression, Artemis crouched down in front of Gabrielle again.

I'm so sorry Gabrielle, I wish there was something more I could do for her. I truly do. But even us gods have limitations on what we're capable of.

The goddess reached over and gently wiped some of the tears from Gabrielle's face.

Good or bad, Xena was certainly a one of a kind person. And though I didn't have very much iteration with her, I have a feeling that she wouldn't want to see you like this. For a woman who was typically fairly stoic, it was plain to see just how much she loved you, Gabrielle. Just as you love her. And while it may hurt now, someday you'll be able to look back at your time together with her and smile.

Gabrielle lowered her eyes, as she didn't see how that could be possible. As in her grief, it seemed impossible that she would ever be able to smile again. Sensing that her words weren't reaching Gabrielle's broken heart, Artemis continued.

You know Gabrielle, when I held Xena's soul I saw a lot of her memories. Many of them of her time with you. And what Xena told you those some years ago was true. Even though she might physically be gone from your life, you'll never be without her because she'll always live on, in here.

The goddess placed her hand over Gabrielle's heart.

As soul mates, the two of you are one. So no matter where you go or what you do, Xena will always be with you.

Gabrielle didn't respond as she quietly wept, and Artemis took her hand away before standing up to leave Gabrielle to grieve. The goddess looked around at the village that was smoldering from the fire being put out as she saw just how destroyed it all was. Artemis sighed to herself at the lengths needed to go to in order to stop Alti and shook her head in disbelief.


The goddess looked over to where Skyla was still sitting with Clover. She walked over and crouched down in front of them. She saw the sword embedded in Clover's back and held her hand over her.

Here, this I can fix.

A white light radiated from her hand as the sword faded away and Clover's wound close as if it had never even been there to begin with.

There you go Clover. Good as new.

Hesitantly Clover tried to move and both she and Skyla were overjoyed when Clover raised her arm without any trouble. They looked at each other and smiled as Clover got up and helped Skyla to her feet as well.

Thank you.

Of course.

As the rain continued to fall, Artemis turned to look at the village again.

(Sad tone/ talking to herself) So much destruction, and all over a foolish quest for power. I thought the fountain would be safe here. Though it's clear that's no longer the case.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now