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Dark clouds swept in across the sky like an omen as after another several days of traveling had passed Xena, Gabrielle, and the rest of their group finally reached an area overlooking the valley where the hidden entrance to the secret village layed. As they stopped their horses and looked out at the scenery the group witnessed a terrible sight.

God's this is awful. This place looks like a battlefield.

Shit,.. they made it here before I... could get back.

Though the situation looked grim, Xena was quick to point out a silver lining amidst all of the carnage.

Well given that there are women from the village just walking around out here, we can take it as a sign that at least the village as a whole is likely still standing. So at least that's something.

She then took a moment to scan the area and examine their surroundings to see if she could sense any incoming danger.

There doesn't appear to be any enemies around right now. Come on we should head in while there seems to be a break in the fighting. Hopefully, once we're inside we can get a better sense of what's been going on here and see what we can do to help.

With that Xena and the others rode down towards the village entrance. They made sure to keep a steady, non-threatening pace as they appeared so they wouldn't cause a commotion with the villagers who were likely on edge and ready to take down anything that came near their home. As they rode across the field the group maneuvered their mounts around the littering of corpses that layed spread out on the ground. Some unknowns with the same strange paleness from the enemies where they had found Clover. While others were Amazons from the village. As the whole group moved closer to the village in silence they all felt a sense of heartbreak for the loss of so many of their friends, commands, and fellow Amazon sisters. Xena, who was leading the group, fell back a bit to ride beside Gabrielle. She could see a deeply distraught look in Gabrielle's eyes as she held Aurora close and facing her, doing her best to shield the little girl from the carnage surrounding them. Knowing nothing she could say would make her feel better, Xena simply reached over and placed a comforting hand on her arm. Seemingly pulled from a trance, Gabrielle slowly looked over at Xena with tears in her eyes.

(Sad tone) So many of the people we knew here are just gone. Killed. And by who? For what? We've only been gone for a short time and all of this happened. Why?

Xena remained silent, knowing that was a rhetorical question. The two rode quietly for a few moments before Gabrielle spoke again as she tightened her grip on Arrian's reigns and kept her attention forward and her grief turned to anger which Xena could notice in her body language even though her voice sounded neutral.

We have to stop whoever's behind this. We can't let this village and its people be destroyed. Xena...

We won't let that happen. Whatever's going on here we'll put a stop to it and save this place. I promise you that we will do EVERYTHING we can to protect these people. Okay?

Gabrielle looked forward again as she nodded slightly and Xena gave Gabrielle's arm a light squeeze before letting go and returning her gaze ahead. During this time the injured Clover who was still riding with Xena had remained quiet as she felt an overwhelming rage and grief stirring within as she saw so many of her fellow tribe and the women that she had known her whole life laying slaughtered just outside of their home. A small part of her wished that she had just been killed with the others who had gone out to cut off the enemy. At least then she wouldn't have had to see the distraction that had made its way to the only home she'd ever known. The group continued forward for a short time until Ephiny spoke up.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL IX: THE COUP DE GRACE OF THE CROWNED Where stories live. Discover now